Chapter 36

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Questions raced through my head as I sat there and stared out the window. Its now seven and we are all thinking of what just happened with Emmaline. After we bombarded her with questions, she freaked out and Aunt Emma told us that we werent helping and that we should just shut up. A part of me thinks that Aunt Emma knows what happened with Emmaline. No one should be that calm when a bunch of supernatural shit is happening in front of you. Thats kind of fishy, right? I sniff and the aroma of chicken that Aunt Emma was cooking hit me causing my stomach to growl in pleasure. That smells so good. I look all over the room and see that Dante is on the couch playing a game on his phone, Emmaline is reading a book she just found, and Aunt Emma is outside talking to someone. At the moment, its taking all of my might to not snoop and listen to her conversation with whoever she is talking to.

I breathe and look back over at Dante. God, he is so fine. How can someone look that angelic? I wonder if he feels the same way about me or if he just sees me as an annoying little sister. Gosh, I hope its not the latter.

Dinners ready! Emma yells walking back in the house and taking the chicken out. We all get up in a rush and run over to the table.

Gosh, you three are that hungry? She asks as she puts the chicken on the table.

Damn, this looks and smells so good Aunt Em, Dante says staring at the food with his mouth open. He might as well start drooling.

Yeah, thank you, Emmaline says quietly and cautiously. Whats up with her?

Thank you, I say when she starts scooping the food onto our plates. Once she sat down, we all started digging in our food like we havent eaten for ages. She takes a minute and stares at us.

So, did you guys make any new friends? She asks excitedly.

Not really, but there is this guy that is trying to get at Emmaline, I say looking up from my food and moving my eyes to Emmaline. Shes blushing. I knew it.

Really? How do you feel about that? Aunt Em asks in a slightly suggesting tone while looking over at her.

Um, I dont know, Emmaline says shyly looking down at her food and letting her hair fall over her face to cover her blush.

Hes a fuck boy. Its nothing special, Dante grunts out while chewing.

How do you know its nothing special? Aunt Em asks.

Because it isnt. He doesnt deserve Emmaline a-

You dont even know him though, Dante, Emmaline says looking up at him.

I know that his only reason for being with you is to get in your pants, Dante snaps back at her.

Is that all you think when guys try to get at me, Dante? Its my body, my emotions, and my life. You dont have the right to scare boys away from me, she says standing up and staring at him heatedly. He looks up at her and they have a staring contest.

Im trying to protect you, Emmaline. You have a good heart and you dont deserve to be heartbroken. I am sorry that I am taking your fun away, but Im doing what my instincts are telling me to do, he snaps back at her and after that, its dead silent. I look between them and look at Aunt Emma with wide eyes. I never knew Emmaline felt that way. I always thought she liked that Dante was so overprotective of us.

Well, you have to let some guys go, Dante. I am so tired of you scaring them away and Im not going to let you do that anymore because its not fair for me, so please lay off of him, Emmaline says in a pleading tone as she sits back down. I look over at Dante to see him looking between the both of us.

Do you want me to do the same with you too, Lea? He asks me. My heart skips a beat at the nickname he used to call me. I open and close my mouth like a fish. How do I tell him that I dont want him to stop because hes the only one I want?

Fine, he says getting up and putting his fork down with so much force that it clanks and he walks off after telling us that this conversation is over.

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