Chapter Two.

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I woke up to the front door opening and closing, I rub my eyes to see clearer. I swing the covers off of me, gasping at the cold air nipping at my skin.

"Honey? Are you upstairs?" A voice calls me, I walk downstairs to see my mom with a cupcake in her hand.

"Hey, Mom." I hug her while grabbing the cupcake from her hand.

"No, not yet. That's for after dinner." She reaches for the cupcake and takes it away.

"Ugh, not fair. You owe me 36 cupcakes now." I pout.

"What happens if I don't?" She asks, with a playful look in her eyes.

"I'll be sad for the rest of my life."

"And what happens if I do?" She laughs at my childish behavior.

"I'll get diabetes." I smile, but then frown knowing that I just blew my shot. Me and my stupid ways. I mentally facepalm myself, I swear I can be smart sometimes.

I think...

"Shut up and go eat, dinners on the table." She pushes me into the kitchen. I rush to grab a place and a fork, I go to the table and pick up the delicious food I want.  I take a seat in front of the food in case I want more. I shove all the food I can into my mouth, causing a scolding from my mother. I finished and stayed at the table for my cupcake.

"Here." Mother slides the cupcake across the table.

I remove the wrapper from the cupcake and finish the chocolate goodness in two bites.

"Want another one?" My Mom sheepishly smiles. My eyes furrow in confusion, she only gives me one.

But am I really going too let that cupcake go to waste.


"Of course, I will never let one of go waste."

She hands another one over, and stares at me for a while.

I take a bite, as she continues to stare at me.

"Ok mom, what's up?" I say with chocolate cake crumbs falling out my mouth.

"So you remember Zach, you know your childhood bests friend." Mom speaks as fast as she can. But as you can tell I'm Eminem's daughter, so I could understand.

Just kidding, I wish.

"I mean, yeah." I look down at my delicious half eaten cupcake.

"His mom, Lucy, is going out of the town and she doesn't trust a babysitter... so I said I could babysit him and his other siblings for the week that she's gone. Though Reese and Ryan is coming later on in the week."  She let out a breath that she had been holding in. "It was like a package deal for all of them. You know?"

"What!?" I yell in total horror.

"You're okay with that? Right ok. Bye sweetheart I'm going to bed." She rushes out of the dining room and up the stairs. I huff and finish shoving the cupcake in my mouth.

I throw away my trash into the trash can. I dust myself off from all the crumbs I dropped onto my clothes. I head to my room but before I do, I walk into moms room too see her fast asleep. I smile to myself, I love her but she's crazy.

I make it to my room, I roam around it trying to find something to do. I spotted a purple box with flowers that were different shades of pink, with a white ribbon tied into a beautiful bow on top.

I embrace it in my hands and bring it with me on my my bed. I admire the box, twirling the ribbon that hanging off from the box. I spot a tiny note peeking out from the bottom. My curiosity rising, I peel the note and open the flap.

'memories that'll last. -E'  the note said in a small print.


I place the note aside, and pull the end of ribbon causing it to unravel into a folded line. My hands peel open the lid making to tumble down the side of my leg.

Pictures and notes over flow the box, I look at the different colors and sizes in the box before picking one.  My eyes stay glued onto a picture of Emersyn, Zach, and I laughing on a bench. We're probably laughing at Zach's idiotic mind, or his stupidity. Maybe even both.

I see picture, but this one doesn't have a person... it's a picture of 3 birds flying away. Their wings spread out with the wind blowing in their direction. The image showing them as if they were fearless.

I flip it over to see 10 words that explained everything.

'I want to be as free as careless.'

That's why she wanted leave, but why? was it me? what boundary was too much? was it even that?

I push the box aside, she didn't even leave me a note.

My body lays back down on my bed, I force myself to sleep, to forget everything just for a few hours. I close my eyes hoping for the darkness ton engulf me into a deep sleep. But it doesn't, I toss and turn wishing to get comfortable so I can actually sleep.

My mind is running and it's not stopping, Emersyn and weirdly race cars made out of cheese are the problem why.

Every idea that pops up in my head doesn't work, I just can't sleep.  I let my mind forget everything and focus on nothing, my mind stops racing and my eyes actually feel heavy.

A second later my mind is into the world of dreamland.

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