Chapter Eight.

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I place my phone down and take a look at my cereal.

It looks so soggy and sad. I wonder if cereals feel like their drowning in milk or if they're just swimming.

A knock interrupts my thinking and as I got up to open the door, mom rushes past me and opens it.

"Awe, Welcome sweethearts." She says to the two cute kids at the door. She signals them to come in and they listen.

"Aubrie, meet Reese and Ryan." They smile at me.

"Hi, I'm Aubrie. You're nasty brothers friend." I tell them, Ryan laughs.

"Aubrie!" My mom yells at me.

"No, it's ok. Zach is nasty." Reese pinches he nose.

"See, mom. He is something else, even they agree." Mom glares at me and shows Reese and Ryan to their rooms.

Speaking of Zach, where is he?

I walk up the stairs and knock on his door. The door opens as I knock for the last time. I enter and take a look around.

He's not in there.

I turn around to see Zach walking out my bathroom. He look freshly showered. My eyes trail down his half naked body. He grips his towel lightly as it wraps around his lower half. Water droplets drop as he place his hand around his hair.

"Don't worry, I didn't die." He smirks.

"Oh no, you didn't?" I said sarcastically.  My eyes don't leave his body.

"Like what you see?" He notices me staring.

"Um no, I'm throwing up in my head."  I jokingly throw up. He laughs and walks out.

"Your siblings are here, by the way." I shout before he leaves.

"Oh I heard."


Mom decided it would be best for us, if we all went out... she somehow found a way to make herself busy. We all fell for her little trick, to make us leave the house without her.

We all decide to head to the town fair. We all climbed in into the car and headed off.

The bright flickering lights brings diverts my attention from the wheel for a quick second. I find the nearest parking space and park quickly.

We all get out and Reese wraps he tiny hand around mines. I take a look at her face and her smiles so bright.

It's weird... Zach and I were so close, yet I didn't even know he had siblings.

wait I'm stupid....they weren't born yet. Well, Ryan was small and very much alive.

Anyways, I grab Reese's hand and pull her to the ticket booth. As I go to buy everyone's ticket, Zach stops me.

"My treat." He pulls my hand from the glass opening. He places the cash on the metal bin as the worker pick it up.

He hands us our tickets and I feel Reese's hand tugging mines.

"Where to, Princess?" I ask her. She laughs and points to that huge spinny thing.

"Don't throw up now." Zach shouts.

"Oh trust me if I do, it will be all over you." I raise my eyebrow.

"I wanna sit next to brie." Reese pleads. Ryan puts his hands up in surrender.

"Nope, I'm sitting... well standing next to her." Zach announces. I open my mouth to retaliate but nothing comes out. Reese puffs but gets over it quickly.


The ride was quickly over and Zach steps out wobbling. He crouches over and throws up immediately.

Reese, Ryan, and I, all pinch our nose shut.

"Ew, you stink. Like that one time when you pooped your pan-" Zach quickly interrupts her and goes back to puking.

"Tell me the rest later." I wink at her.

Zach gets up and shouts "it's party time beotches." he drunk?

"Place your sombreros on and place you're left foot in!" He yells as everyone around us takes a look at him.

Help me Jesus. I don't think this lunatic is ok.

He walk around the fair and enters the marked area. He spots a pair of high heels and decided to try them on.

"Excuse me sir, I don't those are for you." The worker awkwardly tells Zach. She gives him a weird smile.

"Ma'am, are you discriminating me? If I want to wear heels, I shall wear them. Now, shoo shoo. Oh, and perhaps may you get me these heels in a bigger size." He shoo's her away.

She comes back with a bigger size and hands it to him. He slips them on and try's to take steps in them.

He wobbles at first and starts to get the hang of it.

"Ugh, Zach I can walk better in those heels than you.

Seconds later, he's strutting down the fair... like tyra banks.

"Oh no." Reese face-palms herself. "I think he threw up a chuck of his brain." Reese tells me and I can't help but laugh.

This boy is a complete idiot, even his siblings see it. Oh, I should tell them he's a murder too.

hey this is a very lateeeeee update... sorry. Ok but drama is coming and sorry Ryan didn't have many parts in this chapter. Buttttttt I'm gonna try to update more frequently.

Undercover | Zach HerronTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon