Chapter Three.

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I woke up to a voice yelling, I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. I sit up and rub my eyes, I'm still in dreamland.

"Ow, Ow, Ow!" The voice spoke again. Their steps getting closer and closer to my door, as I said this my door swung open.

There stood the ugliest image ever, Zach Herron with his right foot in his hand as he rubs it. I yell in shock, I didn't know he was going to be here today! And this early!

"Shut up! My foot is still pulsating because of that misplaced table over there." He huffs in annoyance.

"I don't care! Get out my room, you sweaty, white foot loser!" I hide under my covers, he has seen my monstrous face... even though his face is worse.

"Oh, what do we have here?" I look from under my covers to see a small white card in his hand. He turns it into my direction, and I see the picture from yesterday...the picture of us laughing.

I didn't think any of it until he read the back and If I remember right, I kinda wrote that he is an ugly toe with a fungus that kills goldfishes. "I'm a toe?" He pouts, He deserves it...LOSER!

"Yup, a very very very ugly one." I smile and point to his toe. "Almost like that, but very much uglier." His hand goes to his heart as if he's hurt, he's gonna need to replace his heart by the end of this visit...It'll be completely shattered.

He finally leaves after I convince him that there was a mouse in his room about to eat the pizza I left's a little secret, there's no pizza in there. I don't know about the mouse.

Oh right, he is the mouse.

I message Kelsey, saying we need an important meeting. She replied no later than 2 minutes, saying to meet her in an hour at a cafe close by.

I get dressed in a flowy dress and some random pair of sandals that were probably deep down in my bottomless closet. I grab everything I need and he's out, grabbing 'my' car keys... well Emersyn's car keys.

I start the engine and play the first recommend radio station. My finger taps the steering wheel following the beat of the song playing. My head bobs to the movement of my fingers, I enter a trance but still able to drive as if that's the only thing on my mind.

Next thing I know, a neon sign catches my eye.

'Milk & Honey Cafe' I park in the parking lot, getting out of the car I see a familiar redhead sitting in a booth closest to the window. As I walk in the door, the bell chimes notifying a few people that a new person arrived.

Kelsey's head snapped in my direction, smiling at my presence. I grab a menu and walk over to her booth, sitting down across from her. "I'm in a war zone." I spill out as I sit down.

"Uh-what?" She looks up from her cookie and tea, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"No time for explanation, I need a prank that will destroy Zach's Herron small little brain."

"But wasn't the point of meeting up to explain to me what the hell is going on."

"Shhh- We need to start thinking now." I take out my phone and look up to see Kelsey with her eyes widen so far, that her eyes will fall out her sockets. She takes a deep breath and sends a smirk my way.

"Lil Kels got this, we need plastic wrap, donuts, mayonnaise, and a lot of cups." I continue to write down her list of things.

"You got that?" She asks. "Yea, but why mayo?" I ask confusedly, mayo isn't even good.

"You'll see. Meet me at 6...your house." She raises a brow and gets up in one swift and quick motion. She grabs her purse and leaves money on the table, leaving soon after.

She just left that.

I walked through the aisles of the grocery store looking for the items I need. I walk up and down the aisle looking for the right sized cups. She didn't explain this through, do I need the small cups that can come in handy if we want a tea party. I push that thought aside and grab more than 10 packs of red cups.

I follow the sweet smell of the bakery and find my way there eventually. I pick up a dozen donuts and place them in the cart. He better like chocolate, or I will push him off a chair.

I grab the rest of the items and went to checkout, to my luck there stood a hot guy working at the checkout. I place all my things on the conveyor belt and wait at the end of it.

"Party?" The guy asked, while I glanced at his name tag that said Bryan. He had dark brown hair with the greenest eyes, and an olive complexion.

"Hah, no. Nowhere near that actually." I laughed imaging Zach receiving the revenge he earned. "Well, actually I'm planning revenge." The words slipped out my mouth.

I gave him the money I slid out my wallet as he types numbers onto the cash register and the slot slides out. He hands me my bags and receipt, he places it on the counter as I look back at Starbucks debating if I should really waste four dollars on a 3 teaspoons of ice and coffee.

He hands me everything I need before saying "Well, tell me about it."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I don't even know him.


I set the bags down on the ground as I just made it home. To my surprise Kelsey was waiting for me by the table.

"Bags. Now." She demanded. She's really scary when she's planning something evil. As I dump everything out on the table, the receipt falls down. I pick it and I notice a number written at the bottom.

'567-454-923 text me about how it went down - bryan'

I smile to myself after noticing the note, I sit down as Kelsey tells me her plan.

"Mission: Attack Zach is on board." She smiles wickedly, using a deep accent. "That was clever, go me!" She removes the accent and pats herself on the back.

"Just tell me the plan." I shake my head. I glance at the white board that full of circles and arrows and bold letters that say "BEAT THAT BITCH UP!"

This is going to be one hell of a night.

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