Chapter4: Time

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Harry was in the bed of their room, half sitting half-lying, staring at the window he had created. It had been three days since the trial had taken place. Three days he had kept silent. Three long days that had been hell. Paradoxically, he wondered how his uncle was doing and how his aunt and cousin were doing. So far, he has only been replaying his memories to digest and fully integrate them.

Now he was asking himself a lot of questions. Questions he had never asked before. Like, why did Vernon rape him? Why had he been so beaten? What were the real reasons for his family's hatred of him?

But one question kept coming back in his mind. Why would Vernon be imprisoned for only five short years?

Severus, returning from the trial, had explained to him that Muggles could not receive the Dementor's down, and that they could not be imprisoned in a Witch Prison for more than five years. If they wanted justice to be done, they had to complain about the Muggle side. Harry had to think about it. But even knowing this, he could not help thinking that five years, compared to sixteen years of suffering, it was nothing.

In any case, Harry had too many unanswered questions in his mind for his own good.

Beside him, Severus turned the page of his book in silence. They seemed to take turns with Draco to take his "guard". Harry did not like blocking them that way in their lives, but he was sorely in need of time. To understand, accept and resume a new life. To be free, with them, simply.

As Severus turned a new page, the bedroom door opened violently. Blaise and Draco entered. Immediately, the Potions Master put down his book, frowned, and looked at his lover who held the Gazette in his clenched fist.

Harry watched as Blaise walked towards him to drop a kiss on his cheek.

- Hi, Harry.

- Hi Blaise.

The black did not add anything, Draco had warned him that the little brown needed time. Blaise sat down on the edge of the mattress and turned to his best friend. The latter, posted at the foot of the bed, unfolded the Gazette furiously to show all those present.

Harry jumped at seeing the title and the picture on one.

It was obviously a witch photo that had been taken certainly three days earlier. Above, Severus could be seen staring intently and Harry hung around Draco's neck whispering in his ear and caressing his back gently.

Above we could read in capital letters:


Beside Harry, who was frozen, Severus jumped up, tore the paper from Draco's hand and stifled an expletive.

- But ... but I thought no one could talk about the lawsuit! exclaimed Harry, who did not understand anything.

Blaise put his hand on the knee covered with the brown cloth to calm him down when Harry's breathing got shorter and more sibilant. Draco also noticed the state in which his lover was going to settle near him. He explained to him:

- We are not talking about the trial, nor about its content. Rita Skeeter just wonders what can happen between us three. She informs the witch community that there is something fishy about it.

- Nothing said about the trial? Harry asked in a small voice, his eyes pegged to those of his vis-à-vis.

Draco smiled at him before stroking his cheek with his fingertips.

"No, nothing about the lawsuit," he confirmed.

The Slytherin Prefect leaned over and kissed Harry gently. To reassure him. To prove to him that he loved him like a madman. Then all three of them turned to Severus, who was cursing in silence, staring at the newspaper.

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