Chapter 1

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   Meet the 20 years old Sean Oli, the guy with a sanguine personality. Her mother died after she gave birth to Sean so he grew up with his father Mr. Zac Oli who’s a very kind hearted reverend. They live in a petite bright house and beside where the small chapel was located. He plays piano and at the same time he sang for the gospel. He stopped schooling and focused to the church for three years and enjoyed the paean after the reverend’s (his father) sermon during Sundays.

          After the mass, Mrs. Rebecca Roberts an 80 years old woman and a very good friend of the reverend, a teacher, approached Sean

          “Sean, dear…I want you to go to school” she spoke to him softly.

          “Mrs. Roberts I love being here, I’m at peace here…serving God and sharing what I have to the people…”

          “You’re father is my student in college, I’m he’s tax 1 teacher which he found a really hard subject…and he thinks that life is a little boorish inside the four cornered room with shared behaviors…”

          “Where he’d gone to be experiencing bad times and influenced him to be an ignorant person that time?” Sean continued.

          “…and where he met your mom and notice that his old life, as for being Christian, still welcomes him when he wanted to return. The first time I saw your father I knew I’ll love him like a real son. I wasn’t able to experience living a life being a mother because of my profession, I never get married. I’m glad God gave me Zac though we never go home with the same house he made me feel that I have a reason to live, I have a reason to teach…and a bliss of happiness touched me when he became a pastor and serve God…he visited me at times, brought me food and shared his problems and happiness most specially when he introduced me to Becky, your mom. He asked me for my blessing because they’ll get married and became partners in life.”

          “What do you mean Mrs. Roberts?” he succumbs from being childish and brought Mrs. Roberts to his father’s office to continue their heart to heart talk. He then took a cup of tea for two and he grabbed the old pious woman’s left hand to ease her being shaky. He then became so curious about the point Mrs. Robert’s wanted to address.

          “…when you came into your parents life I’m one of the happiest grandparents in this world” she was wiping her tears with her hanky.

          “Mrs. Roberts, maybe it’s just about the sermon dad shared this morning?” he smiled.

          “My point is, I’m about to retire. I’ve got lesser life to live now but I hoped to see the little version of you Sean.” Mrs. Roberts laughed then Sean gulped.

          “Don’t you think that it was quite a bit early for that, uhm, Mrs. Roberts?” she continued smiling as if figuring out something behind Sean’s glossy eyes and she followed up a sip of her hot green tea.

          Rev. Zac tapped his son’s shoulder…

          “I want you to go back to school Sean…Mrs. Roberts’s right” his father spoke to him. “…for yourselves foundation son, I will not let you grow up steady in your box…you’ll always have a home here, always.”

          “…but dad, I’m happy here…with my friends, with the people I used to be with and especially with you, I’ll probably learn things I could, same as what the students at school does…I graduated in an all boys Christian school…and”

          “…and you have to meet and face life as you’ve never meant to expect. You’ll go to a university and study theology; I remember that that’s what you wanted since you’re a young Sean.”

          “Dad, everything changed…”

          “..and you have to adopt changes, in order to survive, you never met the real world yet son.”

          “…Sean, you go there you’ll learn and you’ll teach, you’ll save life and must follow, always, the light.” said Mrs. Roberts, a sudden silent echoed in the room. Mrs. Roberts pats his head and kissed his forehead goodbye.

          “Are you up to a new life Sean?” the reverend asked him.

          “Yes dad!” without thinking twice Sean abruptly response.

          “You’ll be spending your 4 years in college at Luke University Sean…and take up theology, if you still wanted that course?”

          “Yes dad!” he reckoned.

          They where walking while talking until they reached to the outer side at the back of the chapel and watched the clouds as it changes its forms

          “Son, we have choices in life…we where born individually in this world, and as I wasn’t able to sleep well last night I was thinking of sending you back to school”

          “Dad, is this what you wanted for me?”

          “Though you’re grown up son, I still see the little Sean playing in this very field, pulling my hands to be with him watching the mere movement of the clouds…(he smiled) son I wanted you to discover life for your own, but I am not going to force you to something which you really wouldn’t want to…I’m your father and I’ve loved you since you opened you eyes. You got that from your mom actually…”

          “Thank you dad…for everything” he hugged his dad.

          “…thank God, for my son and for the clouds” said the reverend as he looked up above. “Go now and start packing things you might need I’ll just go back inside the chapel to meet new people today who listened to the words of God…”

          They both made a glance at the azure sky before going to each others destinations and smiled.

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