Chapter 2

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The loud beep of the black and white colored alarm clock woke Reamae up.

          “What the hell?” she took the alarm clock and threw it to the wall and continued sleeping. She was surprised by a sudden vibration below her tummy when her phone rang.

          “oh, this hell bitches!” she took the phone and answer the call.

          “Hello, whore?” said Amaryllis Clinton her best friend.

          “Hey, slut what the faggot kisses made you calls me now?”

          “I just want to remind you that it’s already 10 am and think the hell that we are going to enroll ourselves today at Luke University! You don’t want to end up sharing seats, don’t you?”

          “What? Is it 10 am now?”

          “Yeah, well if you didn’t throw your 55th alarm clock you wouldn’t be late now, I guess?”

          “Wait how did you know? Well, you made a wrong thought…actually I’m cooking now…”

          “Shut the hell up! Cooking where? In your fucking bed? Won’t you just open your eyes and see the hell angel in front of you now?”

          “Kicks! How did you get in?”

          “Lie with your enemies not with your best friend whore! Get up! Brush your filthy teeth because your breath smells really like vodka!”

          “Great! You’re the best freaking friend I’ve got! You’re the best demon!”

          “Chill! I’ve brought you some vomits in the bowl there in your table go eat it ok?”

          “Shut up derp!” she stood lazily and rushed to the comfort room, brushed, washed then followed to the kitchen and eats the corn soup Amaryllis brought. 

          “Damn! This is fucking yummy slut!” she widened her eyes expressing what she felts as she was filling her mouth with the bits of corn and macaroni pasta.

          “Thanks, it sure tastes good! My secret recipe? P-O-I-S-O-N!” she followed up a devilish laugh.

          “I don’t give a damn! I’m hungry! Tell the devil he should wait now…I’ll chase him after this!” that cracked the line and so they where laughing together at the table and shared peculiar things.


          The school was very crowded because it was the last day of Luke University’s enrolment.

          “There are a lot of universities here in this damn old city slut! Why do we have to enroll here?” Reamae complains as she wiped her sweaty forehead by her hanky.

          “Because Steven Jackson is here! Remember the cool basketball hunk in our school back when we where still at high school? Whore, this is the time for me to be with her!”

          “…this is the time for me to be with her…” she mimics after Amaryllis. “what about me? What am I going to do here?”

          “Study! And attend Photography! That’s what you wanted right? Oh my best friend, I see you’re not a baby anymore…”

          “Thanks mom!” she replied harshly.


          They rushed to the eight counters at the lobby to search for the available courses. Amaryllis took up Civil Engineering after Steven Jackson while Reamae took up photography.

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