Chapter 3

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Sean’s POV

I love the morning rain…not only because as I looked out the window the surroundings looked so alive with its greenery state but, also, they say that when it rained there’s a grand celebration in heaven. Happiness had overdue so they pour down the blessings.

I searched for my plain white polo, tie, and slacks in my wooden double door cabinet. This is the way I dress my self, just when Sunday I do wear white polo for the top. I lay them in my bed with care. I stretched my body, yawn, combed my hair by my fingers, take a deep breath and made my way straight where the lukewarm water in our lavatory awaits.

I was rubbing my eyes and as I opened my door the girl I accidentally hit yesterday while I’m carelessly running at the lobby stood in front of me and after trading swift empty stares she jumped over and was trying to bite my neck with her two sharp fangs. I was yelling hard as I am struggling to get away from her.

This time, her eye’s where tinted red. She wore the same dress as I’ve seen her yesterday but she was covered in blood and like an angry beast her looks could kill.

“..giiiiiveeeee iiiiit baaaaccck toooo meeee!” she talked creepily.

“…give you what??” I asked while I tremble.


“…what?” I begged her pardon and got so confuse.

She’s very strong. She threw me to the wall and kicked the door close…now I could almost feel her soft lips tapping my neck.

“…don’t bite me!!! don’t bite meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!’’ I shouted as loud as I could.

“Sean, Sean wake up! Wake up Sean! This is dad!” I was surprised when I see dad’s face closely when I opened my eyes. He’s shaking my shoulder to wake me up. I might include this as one of my numerous worst nightmares.

“Sean, did you pray before you sleep last night?” dad asked.

“I did, dad…a…I…I dreamt of a huge mosquito trying to suck my blood…” he drew a curious look.

I lied at him because he might go to school if I’ll tell him about the girl and then talk to our Dean and might’ve ended all in chaos. I know dad will never make an outrage; instead, he’ll even bring his huge hard bounded brown covered bible with yellowish pages and would just preach and share the words of God. There’s nothing wrong with that but this is different, the school, the attitude of the city people where quite different. We live not too far from the city but we don’t usually do some land trips. My dad is getting older I just want him to focus on the church. I don’t want him to worry much about me, most especially now that I’ll be attending college.

“I hope you find yourself well in your new school!” I smirked at dad then he closed my open window that blew cold wind. I checked the wall clock and it just newly turned 6 am. Aunt Pearl knocked thrice before she entered in my room; she’s my father’s one and only youngest sister—aged 42. With her pink apron on, she shrugged her shoulder and told us that breakfast is ready. We do eat together. Though I grew up without a mother, aunt Pearl took that responsibility and loved me unconditionally like a real mom.

“I’ll follow after you dad, I’ll just wash my face…” I told dad and he nods.

END of Sean’s POV

At the corner while Sean is seating together with the choir, he weren’t capable to lend an ear to his father while he preach. He is still wondering why the girl visited him on his dream with its wildest transformation and left him clueless by that last line she said “…mmmyyyyy……mmmmyyy….HEART!!!!!!!”.

“My heart?” Sean muttered which made the crowd look at him.

“Sean? Are you ok?” Betty, a choir member who’s sitting beside him asked.

“...uhm, belongs to JESUS!!!” he gulped as he reasoned out with his voice audible inside the church.

“AMEN…” the church people replied and his dad, the reverend, smiled after and he flipped a page on the bible.

Many questions arouse on his mind and because of it, he thinks that there must be something to be cleared. The ambiance of the church seems to be very refreshing and the crystal chandeliers above the ceiling which is painted like a clear sky that made Sean feel that an angel dropped by and cuddled him and ease that fright feeling he felt.

“Thank you Lord, for not letting that girl bite my neck…” and this time he just whispered.

He stood and proceeded to the piano lively and played the closing song with a cheered heart… (Here’s the link --> NOTE: I don’t own that video neither the song:] I just love it…)

~~~~~~~ SORRY FOR THE SLOW UPDATE ! :)) Again, feel free to post your comments, suggestions and corrections! :)) Thanks. <3

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