Chapter 6

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First day of school today and I was preoccupied with this bullshit books ! (=_=) I'm a photography student, I shouldn't be reading this! Well, I wouldn't read all of this. This is hell pathetic. I flipped the first book which caught my attention by its cover. It's sky blue with foggy clouds accent with a single silouehette of a bird flying. It sure looks like the innocent sky with it's black bird, well, probably enjoying its freedom. This is so me. I'm that blackbird. I opened it. I took it from the library earlier.  

"Encontrar la luz y se le encontró a la felicidad." it says "Find the light and you will found happiness." glad I can speak Spanish because I may able to understand it too. So the owner of this book is a Spanish? I dont know what the message of this phrase means and I dont even care, I rolled my eyes heavenwards and then close it back. So here I am alone in this round table at the corner of the canteen. I took some red apple and a glass of fresh milk. I wonder where Amaryllis is. Since this is quite a Christian school I've seen so many nuns strolling. And the surrounding is really silent but some students here where actually devil's slave because at first impression you'll find them like holy ones but as I keep staring at them you'll find fire blazing through their eyes which shows what they really are. 

Bullies are very common here and the administration of the school wasn't able to make some alternatives for this matter. Last year they said there's that 18 years old student that commits suicide at the girls bathroom by cutting her wrist just because of the rumors that says she's pregnant and since again this is a christian's so disgusting to have a student who got pregnant at the age of 18. She losts her fake friends and even secretly dig her own grave though they where just smiling at her... but they say that wasn't proven. She just killed herself because her boyfriend is a reverend's son and when he heard that rumor, he broke up with her. That made her very sorrowful. Sadness leads her to kill herself.

"Tenemos que ser felices, también, para el beneficio de los demás."We have to be happy, also, for the benefit of the others. Whoever the owner of this book, well, she might be living with an awful life. =__=

===> srrrruppp. srruupp. srrruupp. ssrruup. This milk tastes good. 

(Reamae saw Sean taking up some beverage at the reffrigirator and she whistled on him and she waves her hand...and whispered "Hi!")


"Who? Me?" Sean asked with his hand pointing his chest and Reamae nods as she was playing the straw on her lips.

Sean made his way to Reamae while he is shakingly holding his tray. He doesn't have an idea that as he's walking Reamae was smiling.

"Mire que idiota! Vestía tan bárbaro! Cómo patético!"~(Look at that idiot! He dressed so barbaric ! How pathetic!) a girl with long hazel colored hair talks to her friend and followed it a laugh as they where teasing Sean. Sean, who hasn't got an idea what they are saying just smirked at them and slowly walking until he reached Reamae's table.

Reamae took her apple, she stood and walk to the girl's table. She made a grip on the girls jaw and ordered the girl to open her mouth. She wouldn't open her mouth so Reamae forcely opened her mouth and push the apple to the poor girl's mouth.

 " ¿Qué les está diciendo a mi novio? Usted pensó que no podía entender? Pues bien, aquí es para ti bitch!"~(What are you saying about my boyfriend? you thought I could n't understand you? Well, here is for you bitch!) Sean tried to stop her but she's very strong.

Where Love is, 'tis HeavenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon