Part 1

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*3 months ago*

Ellie was sitting in a doctor's office awaiting a ultrasound she was excited to be pregnant it was first for her and her husband of 3 years even if it was by pure accident that she got pregnant she couldn't wait tell him the news when she got home. The doctor started up the ultrasound and she felt tears welling in her eyes as she heard the heartbeat. They told her that she was due in June and that she was 8 weeks along. She got home and saw that her husband was already home. 

"Hey honey I'm home I've got some good news to tell you." she said as she sat her keys down by the door on the little table. Then she heard voices from the back of the house and she went down the hall to find her husband in bed with another nurse from the hospital.

"Ellie I um I didn't expect you to be home this early." he said 

"Cooper what the hell is going on...I had a doctor's appointment." she said with her blue eyes welling with tears. 

"I um I." Cooper said

The girl got up and got dressed and left and he said "Ellie I'm sorry I just we haven't really been having a lot of fun anymore and you are either to tired or at work." 

She wiped tears and he said "Baby I'm sorry...I just needed some excitement." 

"I'm pregnant Cooper I came home to tell you that I was pregnant that's where I have been all morning long." she said through tears. 

"Ellie we use condoms how could you be pregnant." Cooper said 

"Condoms break you idiot." she said 

"Ellie you know I don't want kids.." he said

"No I didn't know that you never told me that..but guess what you don't have to worry I'm leaving." she said as she started to clean out her dresser and closet and get all of her stuff together and loaded it all in her car. She cried as she drove to her parents house and her dad unloaded her car for her after she told them she was pregnant. 

Meanwhile across a firefighter/EMT Sebastian Stan was sitting in his offce at the firehouse since he is the Captain when his phone rang. "Hi Mr Stan this is Margaret from Aetna your health insurance I wanted to let you know that you own a co pay on a recent surgery." 

"There must be a mistake cause nobody has had any wife had a daughter 3 months ago and she was born naturally." he said 

"Mr Stan it's showing that your wife had a tubal litigation done last week." she said

Sebastian felt his heart break and said "Are you sure that's what it said?'

"Yes sir did you not get a bill." she said

"I don't really open it when I get the bills cause I'm always told when they will be co pay when I go to the doctor's or the hospital. But thank you." 

He hung up the phone and went home to find his wife asleep and his 3 month old daughter Amelia asleep in her crib. 

"Julie wake up." he said 

"What the hell Sebastian?' she said as she woke up

"You had a surgery and didn't fucking tell me about it." he said 

"How did you know?'she said as she sat up 

"Cause the insurance company called me at work and told me that I owe a co pay on a surgery that I wasn't even aware had a surgery that prevents you from having more kids." he said 

"Sebastian I'm sorry..I just I don't want more." she said

"And I do..I can't believe you would do this Julie that was some shady shit right there. It makes me wonder what the hell you have been doing behind my back." he said

"Sebastian honey please." she said

"You know what I'm done you knew I wanted a big family cause I'm an only child and you pull shit like this." he said 

That night he slept in the twin bed that was in his daughter's nursery since he was the only one that got up with her anyways. The next day he went to his good friend and lawyer Winston Duke and asked him to help him file for divorce. By the end of the week Julie had received the papers and he packed his shit and moved out. He found himself a 2 bedroom apartment and his mom helped him set up the 2nd bedroom as a nursery for his daughter cause he was going to fight for full custody cause he no longer trusted Julie. 

Ellie decided that she was going to stay with her parents for a little awhile so she could save up some money to get a place of her own. But her dad did help her find a lawyer to file for divorce and she didn't need to have a custody plan when she told the lawyer that she was already informed that the dad wanted nothing to do with the baby. 

A few weeks later Sebastian was standing in a court room with his lawyer Winston and his now ex wife and her lawyer. He had told Winston that he didn't trust Julie cause she would never get up with the baby refused to breast feed and that she was always sleeping. But Julie used Sebastian's job against him saying that he has fire calls late at night and he wouldn't have anyone to watch her forgetting that he has his mom that watches Amelia for him when he does go on those cause he didn't trust Julie and used his military vet status against him trying to say he suffered from PTSD. That earned Julie full custody and killed Sebastian and he told Winston "I'll do whatever the judge wants just let me see my daughter please Winston." 

The judge told Sebastian that he had to pay her child support and that he was to pick her up Friday afternoon from daycare and to drop her off at day care on Monday mornings and that he was to have no contact with Julie whatsoever cause that's what she wanted and that when school started the weekend schedule would be the same and that he would get her summer vacations. That if he wanted to fight for full custody again that he would need proof that he had someone to watch her when he had those calls.

Sebastian cried as he drove back to his apartment Amelia was his life his friends were waiting when he got back to his apartment and gave him a hug when he came home without his daughter. Ellie was laying in her bed and said to her belly "One day baby I hope I meet someone that will love me and you cause now we are a package deal." 

Sebastian was laying in his bed with a picture of his daughter and him together and he whispered "One day baby daddy will have you all the time I just have to find someone that cares about me and you." 

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