Part 7

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*8 weeks later*

Bucky and Ellie were waiting for Scarlett to tell them rather the baby was a boy or a girl. She was moving the wand all over her stomach and she said "Ugh come on what is it with your babies that don't like to show me their junk." 

"Ugh that probably means another girl.." Ellie whispered 

"Actually's a boy." she said once she finally got him to open his legs. 

"Oh good.." Ellie said 

That night her and Sebastian were trying to put together names for the baby boy. He had his hand on her stomach as they were laying on the couch and she was in between his legs and he said "What about Carter James Stan." 

"He doesn't like it's hes not kicking to that one." she said 

He started laughing and said "Maybe he doesn't know how the game works like his sisters." 

"Oliver James Stan." she said then they both felt the kick and he said "Oh..of course mama wins again." 

She laughed and said "You know you love me." 

He kissed her and said "I do..very much maybe the next one will like daddy's name choice." 

"How many more do you want me to pop out." she said 

"I don't know I haven't decided yet." he said as he took a sip of his water 

She gasped and climbed on top of him and he said "mmm baby..I'm just playing 2 more maybe 3." 

She said "3 is fine baby." as she kissed him and grabbed her butt and he moaned and whispered "Why MrS Stan is someone feeling frisky tonight." 

"Mmhm." she said 

He laughed and said "Mmm my wife sure does know how to turn me on." as he picked her up and took her upstairs and made love to her. 

Ellie no longer was do on call hours with Lizzie so she was always home to make Sebastian dinner and get the girls fed and almost ready for bed by the time he got home. Her dad and mom lived just a block away so she had someone close by when Sebastian when on late night calls. 

*4 months later*

Ellie was at work checking vitals on a patient when her contractions started and she said "Excuse me a moment." She found another nurse to take over and went into Lizzie's office and said "Lizzie time me please." 

She started to have them 5 minutes apart but it was like her labor with Kaitlyn not strong. "I'm gonna go on over to the hospital last night I did this I ended up ruining my bed." she said as she called Sebastian at work. "I'm on my way baby." he said 

She got to the hospital and the admitted and called Scarlett. Sebastian came in and said "I'm here baby." 

Scarlett came in shortly after and said "Lets see what we have going on.'

She checked Ellie and said "Oh are at a 6 Ellie.." 

Then broke Ellie's water and said "There you go that should speed things up now." 

She got an epidural and rested. Sebastian brought the girls by and then took them home. A few hours later it was time for Ellie push and it took two pushes for little Oliver to come out. Ellie got to her room and the nurse came in and said "Name Oliver James Stan." 

She let Ellie know his measurements and then Ellie started to feed him. She pulled the hat off of his head and said "Seb baby..he's going to be a mini you..he has your hair." 

"Well thank god." he said 

"Hey that is not nice..I'm a blonde and saw are both of our daughters." she said 

"I know and I've been very blessed with 3 beautiful girls in my life." he said with a smile. 

Sebastian cuddled him and rocked him to sleep the next morning his mom brought the girls by Millie was now 2 and Kaitlyn was 1 and Ellie told Sebastian to avoid any confusion she would fed him in front of Kaitlyn. A few days later they got to go home and they had a family photo done on the front steps of their house. 

*4 months later*

Ellie was puking in the bathroom Sebastian woke up and saw Ollie sleeping next to him and Ellie in came out of the bathroom and he said "Baby you alright.." 

"No I am not alright. I've been sick for the past hour I can't even get ready for work." she said as she laid down. 

Sebastian  got up and started to clean up empty bottles and diapers and then saw his box of condoms underneath the bed and he whispered "Oh shit.." 

"Baby I'll be right back." he said as he ran downstairs and threw away what was in his hand. Sebastian realized in the moment when he saw his condoms that they hadn't been using them. They opted out of the birth control and went with condoms so they could stop when ever they were ready to start trying again. Sebastian ran down the street to the closest store that carries pregnancy tests and ran back home and ran up the stairs and said "Baby take this." as he threw at her and landed on her stomach. 

She looked down and said "Seb why would I need.."

"I haven't been using the condoms I seen the box under the bed baby it's not been open." he said 

She bit her lip and trudged to the bathroom and peed on a stick and sure enough Ellie was pregnant for the 3 rd time. She looked down and he came in and said "Baby what did it say."

"We are going to need another bedroom." she said as she walked out. 

"Baby stop.. I'm sorry it's not like I meant to get you pregnant this time." he said

"I know Seb..I just maybe I should of gotten on birth control half the time we are to fucking tired to go up the stairs and so then we don't use them." she said

He kissed her and said "baby I know I love you..I'll stay home today and help with the kids so you can rest." 

"Ok baby" she said as he kissed her forehead and he took Ollie downstairs with him and fed him and then put him in his swing and went and got the girls up and fed them breakfast and got them dressed for the day. He had both girls cuddled up on him on the couch as they watched Doc Mcstuffins. Ollie started to cry and he said "Girls daddy has to feed the baby..let daddy up. Mama is sick." 

He sat them up on the couch and feed Ollie and changed him. Then he made the girls some lunch and ate lunch with them while Ollie took a nap. Ellie came downstairs after the girls went down for their nap. She found Sebastian folding laundry in the laundry room and she said "Baby are they ok." 

"Yeah baby why?' he said as he kissed her cheek

"Because they have been really quiet." she said 

"I told the girls that mama didn't feel good when they got up so we had breakfast they laid on me and watched doc mcstuffins till Ollie woke up and I fed him and changed him and made the girls and me some lunch and changed them and laid them down for their nap and now I'm doing laundry. I"ve already cleaned the kitchen and the playroom and the living room for you too. 

"Baby all I asked was for you to stay home and help not do everything." she said with a smile. 

"I know but I felt like you were pissed at me." he said 

She came into the laundry room and sat up on the washer and she smiled and said "Baby I could never be mad at you. I love you." and she kissed him. Then he started laughing and she said "What." 

"It's just funny that we are making out  in the laundry room..considering we use to spend a lot of time in a laundry room at the apartment." he said 

She smiled and said "Yea we did. Now we have our own laundry room to do what ever we want." 

"Mmm..yes we do" he said as he dropped the towel he was folding and shut the door and bent her over the washer.  It was the first time they had done it in another way than him on top or her on top it. 

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