Part 6

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3 weeks later

Ellie was asleep she was 36 weeks pregnant Sebastian was asleep beside her and she started to whimper in her sleep and it woke up Sebastian and he whispered "Baby what's wrong?'

He felt her stomach and he felt her having contractions again and he woke her up and said "Baby are you ok?' 

"Sebastian I don't know." she said 

He felt her stomach and he said "Those don't hurt." 

"Not really no." she said 

"Well try and get some sleep baby if they don't bother you just wake me up if they do." he said as he pulled her closer and kept his hand on her stomach. They both went back to sleep but by 5 in the morning her contractions were getting worse and she woke up and sat up and said " "

He sat up and said "Baby breathe just like I showed you remember." 

"These hurts Seb." she said through tears 

"It's ok baby...lay back down." he said 

"No no Sebastian please don't just take me to the hospital and let them check I don't want you..." she said but was cut off when he said "Baby it's ok I'm just going to check you to see if I need to call Scarlett." 

"No please don't's a mess down there I." she said as she bit her lip as he pulled shorts and panties down put his gloves on and started to check her as she had a contraction. "Baby you are definitely in labor...and um I'm going to go ahead and call Scarlett cause um baby your water just broke." 

He called Scarlett and checked on Amelia and he went back to Ellie and started to get towels that he mainly used for cleaning messes and laid them under Ellie. "Sebastian what are you doing why aren't we going to the hospital." 

"Cause baby you aren't going to make it to the felt like you were about a 7." he said as Scarlett knocked quietly with Lizzie in tow. 

Scarlett checked her and said "Oh yeah almost an 8..sorry El we aren't going to the hospital we are having the baby here." 

"No no I don't do well with pain.." she said as she had another contraction. 

Sebastian called his mom and her family and then within 10 minutes everyone was in their living room. "Sebastian you are going to need to get me a wash cloth so I have something to bite down on so I don't wake your daughter." she said as she looked up at him.

He got up and found one she could bite down on and he lifted her back up and got behind her and gave her the wash cloth and said "She's our daughter by the way.." 

Scarlett came in and said "Ok let's see where we are." as she shut the door. She checked her and said "Just 1 more cm and we will be pushing I've got Evans and Renner on standby Sebastian." 

"Ok good." he said 

Ellie was in tears and he whispered "Baby please dont' cry you can do this..remember take what life throws at you and run with it.." 

"This hurts Sebastian." she said as she looked up at him with her big blue eyes filled with tears and he whispered "Baby I know this hurts believe me I've had to deliver babies on the side of the road cause of car accidents and see women give birth with out pain medicine but I need you to be strong ok." 

Scarlett came in when she was starting crown and Sebastian put the wash cloth in her mouth and grabbed both of her hands as he was still sitting behind her. Scarlett said "Let's push Ellie." 

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