Part 3

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*1 month later*

Ellie was 5 months pregnant and her and Sebastian kept running into each other in the hallway and the laundry room with very little interaction. It was a Saturday night and Ellie had been so tired all week working two on call shifts with Lizzie twice a week and being pregnant was getting tiring. She was in the process of trying to get out of her apartment with big baskets of laundry and she was on the phone with her mom and trying to lock her door just as Sebastian came out of his apartment with Amelia in her car seat and his laundry bag and she dropped her baskets and everything fell out and she said "Mom I have to call you back I just dropped all my dirty laundry in the hallway trying to lock my door." as tears started to fall. Sebastian came over and sat Amelia down and said "Here let me help." as he started to pick up everything for her and then put his bag on top of her baskets and said "You carry her for me and I will carry all this down there." 

She wiped tears and said "Ok. thank you." as she locked her blue eyes on his. She swallowed hard and he said " It's ok I don't mind." 

She picked up Amelia's car seat and followed him to the elevator and they headed down to the laundry room and he said "I"m Sebastian by the way and this little angel of mine is Amelia or Millie." 

She smiled and said "I'm Ellie." He helped her get her laundry started then started his. He walked over to her and said "Where's daddy of this little baby?" as he placed his hand on her stomach and she laughed and said "I left him the day I found out I was pregnant. I um came home to find my now ex husband in bed with another woman the day I got my first ultrasound to confirm my pregnancy. He apologized for cheating but when I said I was pregnant he quickly said I didn't want kids how could you be pregnant we were using condoms. So I packed up all my crap and left and filed for divorce. Been doing it all on my own since November." 

"Wow.." he said 

She smiled and said " this little girl of yours is a beauty. How old is she?" 

"She is 5 months old..her mom and I are no longer together either." he said 

"Oh..that's why I only see you down here with her on the weekends. Cause you don't have down here with you during the week." she said as she held Amelia. 

"Yeah I only get on the weekends for now..I'm trying to get full custody of her I tried when I first filed for divorce but my ex wife decided to do what every she could to get joint custody but she gets her mainly. So I get her Friday afternoons from daycare and drop her back off at daycare on Monday mornings and she gets child support and I'm not allowed to have any contact with my ex wife so I have no idea where she lives or if she's taken care of her like she's suppose to be." he said 

"What do you mean she used what ever she could to get what she wanted." she said as she played with Amelia. 

"She used my job and military status against me. I'm military vet but she told the judge that I have PTSD and I don't and I'm a fire fighter and EMT and I sometimes I have to leave in the middle of the night to go do fire calls or major accidents and she told the judge that I wouldn't have anyone to watch her. Julie didn't know that she wasn't being left alone with Amelia when I had those I would take Amelia to my mom's house on my way to the call cause I didn't trust Julie when she had her she never got up with her I always did and when I would come home from work she would be asleep on the couch and sometimes Amelia would be crying so I started to put her in daycare just so I knew she was ok. The daycare she goes to I know the lady that owns it."  he said 

"Oh my gosh Sebastian why didn't you tell the judge any of that." she said as she wiped tears 

He wiped her tears and said "Because he didn't want to listen all I was told was in order to win custody of her that I have proof that I have someone that can watch her for me while I'm gone and that person has to live with me they won't let me use my mom." 

"Sebastian I'm a pediatric nurse I work in a pediatrician's office and I'm only on call Mondays and Thursdays if you need me to watch her for you on the weekends so you can get a little extra over time just call me or knock on my door." as she got his phone out of the car seat and put her number in his phone. 

He smiled and said "You would do that for me." 

"I would help you with that..just know that I can't exactly go before a judge and say I'm doing it cause he will probably ask me as a medical professional if I felt that she was a bad mom." she said with a smile. 

He smiled and said "Well if you are going to help with her on the weekends then will you atleast let me help you." 

"Help me with what?' she said as she went to switch her loads 

"First off helping things you know you shouldn't be doing with you being all cute and pregnant." he said as he picked up the other basket she had to put in the washer. She smiled and said "I know I know but I don't have much of a choice." 

"Not anymore if you need to do this please come knock on my door or call me." he said as he texted her his number to her phone. She laughed and said "Thank you Sebastian." 

"Do you know what you are having?' he said 

"No..not yet I have an appointment on Monday I hate going to them cause some people give judgmental looks at me. Some days I just want to yell at them that I left him." she said 

As they loaded up their baskets and Amelia he said "I left my ex wife cause she didn't want more kids even went and got her tubes tied without me knowing. I want a big family cause I"m a only child and I don't want that for her. " 

"I know how that is. I'm technically a only child I mean I'm not but my sister is 10 years old than me and my brother is 12 years old than me. I'm the baby I was a surprise." she said with a smile. 

He started laughing "Oh I bet you were." 

"My mom thought that she was done with kids and her IUD fell out and here I am." she said with a smile. 

He started laughing and said "Oh Ellie you are funny when you aren't all sad."

"Hey..I'm learning that I have to take what life throws at me that includes a shitty ex husband who apparently is already getting re married to his mistress." she said 

They got to their floor and he helped her take her baskets in and said "Do you want to join me for dinner..I"m making spaghetti and meatballs and I have enough for you too I usually take what ever is left to work." 

"Sure.." she said with a smile

She went with him to his apartment and she took Amelia out of her car seat and changed her for him as he started supper and she put her in her swing and turned on one of her cartoon movies he had for her. She helped him make them dinner and they talked about how their exes didn't see anything wrong in their actions that lead them to divorce them. After dinner she helped him clean up and then she went home and put her laundry away. 

Collided Into YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora