Part 2

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A few weeks after both Ellie and Sebastian filed for divorce from their significant others it was Christmas time and luckily for Sebastian Christmas fell on a weekend so he got to celebrate his baby girl's first Christmas with her. He bought her all kinds of bows and clothes and shoes and baby toys to keep at his place for when she came to stay with him his parents did the same. Then when Monday rolled around he took her to her daycare the lady that ran the daycare has known Sebastian since he was kid she use to work as a nurse with his mom. "Sebastian you look so happy today." Carol said 

"I am I'm glad that I got her first Christmas with her even if she's only 3 months old I had fun." he said with a smile. 

"I want you to know something Sebastian I will keep you updated on her when she comes and goes from Julie's place.I want to help you get her all the time I believe what the judge did was wrong and what she did to use your job to get her way is wrong.." Carol said

"Thanks Carol." he said as he kissed Amelia goodbye and said "I'll see you Friday baby girl I love you." and he gave her to Carol and put his car seat back in his truck and went to work. He cried he hated that he couldn't see her again till Friday. 

Ellie was at work at a pediatrician's office as a nurse and is the only nurse in the office the Dr Olsen allows to be on call with her. Ellie told her boss and friend Lizzie that she was needing some extra on call hours if possible so she could earn some extra money cause her and Cooper got divorced and she was staying with her parents till she had money to put on a place. "Of course We are on call not just on Monday nights but we are on call Thursday nights now as well." Lizzie told her 

"Thanks..also um I'm pregnant to Lizzie I found out right after Thanksgiving I'm almost 4 months now." she said 

"Oh wow..What does Cooper say about it?" Lizzie said as they continued to eat their breakfast in her office.

"He wanted nothing to do with me or the pregnancy he doesn't want kids and was a idiot in thinking that condoms don't break." she said as she laughed. 

"God I told you in medical school he was an idiot." Lizzie said

"I know.." she said 

They continued out their day at the office then headed over to the hospital and worked on a few cases but it was mainly a slow night for them. The next morning they were back at the doctor's office after getting a few hours of sleep in the on call room. 

*1 month later*

Ellie was 4 months pregnant it was mid January and she finally had enough for a deposit on a place that she found. It was 2 bedroom apartment on the 3rd floor her dad and her brother and her brother in law all helped move her furniture in and her mom and her sister and her sister in law helped move on the little stuff in. After she got everything out of the cars and trucks they all hugged her bye and left for her to unpack all by herself. She got everything unpacked and put away and then she saw the basket of laundry that needed to be washed. She found her laundry detergent and fabric softener and put on a hoodie and braided her long blonde hair to one side. She was already starting to show at 16 weeks and she loved it and she was slowly starting to feel the baby move around. 

She got her basket and put her phone and keys on top of it along with her detergent and softener and headed down to the laundry room. When she got down there she seen a tall dark haired guy with a tiny baby girl doing laundry  and realized that he was the guy she seen this morning from across the hall. She started to do her laundry and put her headphones in and Sebastian didn't see her come in so when he turned around to sit up on one of the washers to feed his daughter he saw a short blonde and he found her beautiful and didn't see a ring but when she turned to the side he saw her bump and knew that meant she had to have a guy in her life for her to be pregnant. He started to feed Amelia and then he burped her and changed her then put her back in her seat to finish up the laundry he had and put it all in a laundry bag.  

Not to long after he left the laundry room he was in his kitchen making him something to eat when he heard someone outside and he looked through the peephole and saw Ellie unlocking her door and carrying in her big basket of laundry and he remembered seeing her that morning moving stuff in and figured one of the guys that were helping her move had to be the father of her baby. He went back to making him some food and watched a movie till he fell asleep on the couch. The next morning Ellie headed out to go to the grocery store and it didn't take long for Sebastian to realize that she may be pregnant but she wasn't with someone when he seen her come back and make several trips to her car to get her groceries in. 

Monday morning rolled around she had her hair braided back and in her purple scrubs in her winter coat she was locking her door and heard Sebastian behind her say "Ok baby girl let's get you to daycare before daddy is late for work." 

She looked down and rubbed her belly and felt tears welling in her eyes as she noticed how good of  a dad he was and wished for her sake that her baby had someone like that. She got on the elevator and pushed the garage button and Sebastian got on the elevator as well. They both went on their way to where they had to go. That night Sebastian didn't hear or see Ellie come home from work and then he remembered seeing her in scrubs and said to himself "Pregnant and a nurse isn't good." as he started to clean his apartment like he does every Monday night since the divorce. 

The next night he heard her go into her apartment and turned on her music as she began to clean her apartment she started to play "She Don't Want The World" by 3 doors down and after she got her kitchen clean and picked up her dirty clothes and put them in her basket as tears fell down her cheeks she found out at work that day that Cooper her ex husband was engaged to the nurse he had been sleeping with and they moving to LA. She put her headphones on before she even left her apartment and slammed the door as she left to go do laundry. 

She was downstairs in the laundry room and wiping tears and whispered as she rubbed her belly "It's ok baby one day mama will find you a daddy that gives a shit about us both I promise you." Sebastian heard her and saw her wiping tears as she leaned against her washer and was messing with her music. He looked down and walked in with his basket and started his small laundry and as she was switching loads her phone dropped to the floor and unplugged her head phones and he heard the song that was playing which was "Tin Man" by Miranda Lambert. She picked up her phone and threw headphones in the basket and just let it play and Sebastian didn't mind they clearly were both in the same boat when it came to relationships. She started to fold her clothes as she waited for her towels to get done. Sebastian got his small load of laundry done and left the room and thought all the way to his apartment how could anyone  hurt someone as beautiful as her and leave her pregnant. 

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