First Week in Cali

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It's only been a week since I moved to California, I'd already been invited to a house party. I'm usually one to turn down such invitations but in this case my calendar was hardly over flowing so I decided to give it ago.

It was my neighbour Maddie who had invited me, she seemed sweet and was very helpful when I unloading my furniture.

As she only lived next door I decided to leave a bit later then the time the party was scheduled to start. I packed my diabetes kit in a little shoulder bag, quickly applied some more lipstick and slipped my heels on and left the house.

The back gate was open so I walked in to garden, there were a lot of people - more than I expected there to be, it was a lot crazier than the parties we had back home in the uk. I saw Maddie near the back door and walked over to her as she was the only familiar face in the crowd. As I walked across to her I bumped into someone, an incredibly tall boy, with sexy pushed back blonde hair and heavanly dark brown eyes. "Sorry" I stuttered. "No problem - you're the new girl from England, I was just talking to Maddie and she mentioned you as were neighbours" he said. "Sorry I havent been really out much to socialise with the new neighbourhood - middies the only person I have had the chance to talk to since moving here". "Here," he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the corner of the garden where a group of boys were sitting on a wall. "These are the others."
He pointed to each one and said there name, "Rickey, Sam,JC and Trevor ". I smiled contently they were all really good looking. I hope I wasn't blushing I am quite prone to having rosy cheeks! "Oh and I'm Kian, Kian Lawley." It was only then I realised I hadn't introduced myself. "Iris" I said.

Suddenly I realised my hands were shaking. "Crap." I thought. "Great time to have a hypo". Kian was still holding my hands and noticed i was shaking. "Are you ok?" he asked kindly. I find it hard opening up about my diabetes I'm not really sure why - I always get emotional talking about it. "I suffer from type 1 diabetes and I'm having a hypo" I said rather confidently. He immediately sat me down on the wall. "Sam is diabetic to - do you have anything to treat your hypo?" he asked kindly. I shook my head. Sam reached into his jean pockets and handed me his packet of dextros. "Thank you Sam" I said as I opened the packet and took a few dextros from it and put them in my mouth.

"Who wants a drink?" chirped Ricky. "Me!" we all chorused. "Wait you are old enough aren't you Iris?" Rickey asked. "I'm 16 and my birthday is on the 15th of September." I said. "Okay then. Drinks for everyone, JC,Rickey,Trevor come and help me carry em' " They all got up and walked down the garden into the house. Shortly after Sam got up. "I'm going to go to the toilet quick - I'll be right back" he winked and then went trailing after the others.

"It's just me and you then Iris" Kian said. I giggled really loudly for no apparent reason which made him break into giggles with me. "Your laugh is really cute." chuckled Kian. "It's just loud and a bit different" I said. "I find that really attractive" Kian said as he smiled at me with his beaming teeth. I
was defiantly blushing now.

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