Let's go to hell!!

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Before I start I just want to say I have a bunch or a few nicknames so you might hear Angel ,Angie, Anjay in my story

Jaylon's POV

I'm waiting for my prince,&his sisters Angie and Brisa by the gate. What's taking them so long.

I looked to the left and my prince walking towards me while dragging Angel behind him with brisa following. I ran to him and tackled him that caused him to drop Angel and hit her head on the ground.

Angel POV

I was dropped to the ground and hit my head. "CAREFUL WITH ME GOSH!" I shouted at them.

I got up and kicked some dirt on Joseph hair but he didn't care since he was more focus on Jaylon.

"Ughhh next time can't we teleport here instead of walking?" I whispered to bri.

"No we can't let humans know about our powers especially about bro's. If we did I don't think Jaylon would still be with him" she responded with a serious look.

I looked back at Jaylon and Joseph to see them still on the ground smiling and giggling.

" Okay okay fine but let's sit in a bench mah legs are tired" I said while slouching a bit.

Bri nodded and walked off to find a bench while i looking back at the couple in front of me.

Sigh you are lucky bro that I care about your happiness or not I would already showed my powers to the whole world.

I gently kicked Joseph and poked Jaylon to try to get them off the ground. Thankfully they got up but they glared at me.

"Did you really have to ruin the moment sis"Joseph said while holding Jaylon's hand.

I just ignored him and walked to the bench where bri was sitting at with the couple following.

Bell rings(how does that sound like briiibriiibriii idek)

"Welp see ya bro" Bri and I said. "Take care sisters." he answered back.

He looked at Jaylon and they both FRENCH KISSED ayyyyy jk just a regular kiss. The French kiss will happen when I write a lemon of both of them. Anywayssss back to the shitty story.

"I love you Joseph" she told him blushing."I love you more"

After a few seconds of them two agruing about who loves who more hahaha idk where this is going

I got in between of Joseph and Jaylon and looked that them both. "Okay we get it you two love each other a lot now let's go to class before we are late like last time." I told them with a bored face.

Brisa took Jaylon to her first class while I forced Onii-chan (Joseph) to go to his class. After I threatened to destroy his pictures of Jaylon, he went to class. No one was in the halls since they had to be in class in 1 minute so I just teleported in front of my classroom door. I walked in to see the teacher in the middle calling out names. She looked at me with her dark eyes boring into my brown eyes.


Tardy bell rings

"I'm not late Miss" I told her while smirking.

She just rolled her eyes and told me to sit down. She went back to calling attendance. I looked around and saw that Jaylon and Brisa sat next to each other but left no space for me. I sighed and sat in a empty seat that was next to the window. To my left was the window to my right was a kid which was to busy drawing someone. He had black hair that covered his right eye. Talking about his eyes, his eyes were pitch black. They had this insanity,calm look. He wore a black shirt that had a skull on it with a blood red jacket and black pants with red converse.

Hmmmm I didn't see this kid before maybe he is new. Welp who cares he is just another human who is will die in the end. I wonder who he is drawing, he is pretty good at it. Kinda better than sissy.

I peeked over and saw that he was sketching a girl I assume holding a gun. Wonder what's it for. I snapped back to reality when I heard someone call my name.

"Miss Angelica!! Pay attention to me when i am calling row!" Mrs.V said while everyone was snickering expect the kid next to me.

"Sorry Mrs.V won't happen again"

I looked back at the guy to see that he put the sketch away.

"Mister Leto?"

"Here" the kid said with a gentle deep voice.

Leto huh unqiue name I guess. Welp like I said before just another regular human being.

I looked around the room to notice Brisa and Jaylon forming their hands into hearts to my direction. I looked at them with a "really?" face.

Mind messaging

Bri: Sooo Anjay who's the kid next to you?

Me: I don't know all I know is that his name is Leto

Bri: Oooh that name sounds familiar, don't it?

Me: kinda but I think it's just that we read a lot good shit . But I like his hair tho

Bri: heh well focus now Mrs. V is teaching now

Me: okay


Welp hope that's enough for a second chapter to make you people satfised


ahem Gomen I have been grounded for the past two weeks three weeks? Idk I can't remember how many weeks but I have been grounded
Idk if I'm still grounded or not.
But my phone has been disconnected for the past days? Weeks? Months?


My phone won't get payed since my dad has to pay his phone, my mom phone, and his hotspot box so rn I have this tiny old medicare phone that I can only call and text. I shall miss using this phone. I will only update when I get wifi from Walmart or others but that may be in a long time........so bye my burritos😭😭😭

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