Getting To Know Him 1/2

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I turned around quickly to see Lita next to Leto, who had some blood covering his hands. I gave them a confused look but quickly shook it off.

"I may look small to some people but it doesn't mean I ain't strong" I said as I fixed my shirt.

They both nodded as Joseph, Bri, and Jay walked next to me. Jay and Bri waved to to the twins while Joseph just glared at them. The twins waved back, ignoring the hateful stares from my brother.


Hmmm should I get a baked potato with a side of cheesy broccoli or some nachos with rice and beans. I'll just get the baked potato since that only comes out once every 3 weeks.

I grabbed my plate and walked to the table booth next to the windows and the entrance door. I sat down next to the window. I looked through my phone while waiting for everyone else to get here.

"Mind if we sit here with you?"

I looked to my right side and saw the twins, holding their plates. I just nodded and went back to my phone. Leto was about sit next to me before Joseph sat next to me with Jay by his side. Leto just rolled his eyes and sat on the other side of the table. I just shrugged and began to eat. Joseph and Jay were talking about random stuff while Bri and Lita were talking about memes. Leto and I were on our phones, eating our food quietly. I felt like someone was staring at me but I shrugged it off thinking it was just my paranoia side kicking in.

"Hey let's go outside for the rest of lunch", Jay said as she got up to throw her plate to the trashcan beside us.

Everybody nodded expect for two people. Leto and me.

"sorry can't, I gotta go to the library to finish an assignment that is due today", i said while scratching my neck.

Jay nodded while grabbing Joseph's hand and walking to the exit doors. Bri and Lita were soon right behind them. I threw my plate in the trashcan and started to make my way to the library.  (In my school the hall ways go by numbers so the 100s is one hall all the way through the 800s/ upstairs hallway. It's kinda confusing but oh welp) I was making my way through the 100s hallway before I saw Leto walking beside me. I looked at him and gave him a simple smile ,to which he returned. I took a left and continued to walk with Leto still by my side. I was about to open the door but he beat me to it.

"Ladies first"

"Heh bitches follow"

I smirked and walked in while he just stood there in disbelief. I typed in my ID and went to the Graphic Novels section. I squatted down (?) to get a better look at the novels. I looked around trying to find something to read. Leto stood behind me without me noticing.

"I thought you were going to finish an assignment?"

I got startled and i fell on my butt. I tilted my head back and glared at him. He just chuckled in response. 

"I might have lied to spend some time in the library. heh. Anyways why are you here?" I said as i stood up and faced him.

"U-um what? i can't s-spend some time with my cru- FRIEND!," he started to laugh nervously after he finished his sentence. 

I shrugged and made a derpy face. He looked at me and smiled cutely. 

I grabbed My Little Monster volume 1 and headed for a table. I sat down and started to read while Leto sat down next to me with a comic book in his hands. 

"I have a question," he said while looking at me.

"what is it dude?" i replied without looking at him.

"what does your brother have against my sister and me? we never did anything to him."

" He has his reasons...Just like i have my reasons to continue rereading this manga," i said rolling my eyes.


i sighed while putting my manga down and faced him. 

"Why do you even wanna know in the first place,dude?"

"I don't know...I just wanna know"

"ugh fine i mean i guess"





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