two new friends?!

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Instead writing down the notes for next week exam, i decided to doodle and it ended up with me thinking.

Leto...Leto....hmmm leeeetoooo.... Let usss hahaha Leto. Why does that name sound familiar? I just cant pin point it.... hmmmmm wonder if he lik-(food)

Before I could finish my thought i felt something poking my shoulder. I turned to my right to see Leto poking me with a red face. I look around to notice the other students were gone. Even Bri and Jay!!

How dare they leave me behind.... with a boy....

"U-um miss the bell rang two minutes ago. I think its time to go to your other class. Your friends told me to tell you  since they were in a hurry to get out for some reason.... S-sorry for bothering you" Leto told me with a blushing face.


" um I have French with Mr. Butt wait yea Mr. Butt" he said with a confused tone. (Um i aint good with names heh ^_^; )

"Okay good I have that too. Come on Leto!!"

I grabbed his hand and started to run to Mr. Butt's class. I feel like i left something behind but I dont care I can't risk on being late especially with this guy by my side. They will think that we did some dirty things.

"Um miss what is your name? And how do you know mine?" Leto asked with a flushed face.

"I paid attention when they called your name and my name is An- Finally we're here"

I walked in the class with Leto still holding his hand. The teacher wasn't there yet so the students were chatting with their friends or on their phones. I spotted Brisa in the corner talking to some girl that looked a lot like Leto. I walked over there with Leto following.

"Well well Bri I see you made a new friend but why did you have to leave me behind?" I asked while staring at her angrily.

"I was going to walk Jay to her class so I didn't have time to get you out of La La Land and the guy right here was closest to you so i made him do it. And i see that got you two into something" Bri signalled Leto and me holding hands.

I let go of his hand and saw that the girl that looks like Leto was smirking for some reason.

"Anyways I haven't introduced myself yet but I'm Lita. " said Lita.

I turned to Leto to see that he was glaring at her while clenching his fists.

"Well nice to meet you Lita I'm Dea- Angelica I mean but just call me Angel or Anjay but never Angela"

"I see you already met my twin brother, Angel~. He might be shy and innocent right now but he is actually very dang-"

Lita stopped mid sentence since Leto threw a pencil at her. Thank god she caught it before it touched her. Leto glared at Lita, she just giggled it off.

"Okay okay everyone sit down, sit down" shouted Mr. Butt.

I sat behind Bri while Leto sat behind Lita ,not before he flicked her forehead. I giggled quietly, so it seems that not quiet enough since Leto looked at me. I flicked his nose and giggled. He pouted and acted childish while Lita was snickering.

*skip to After school*

"Oh my geesus today was so boringgggggg" I groaned while walking out of the school with my siblings and .Jay

"Really? Because I saw that you smiled everytime Leto talked to you?" Brisa said with a smirk on her face.

"Oh hush im trying to be nice anyways what time is it" I checked my back pocket for my phone but I didn't feel it.

Thats when Anjay knew she fucked up.

"I CANT FIND MY PHONE!!! I LOST IT FOREVER! IMMA DIEEE "i fell to the ground and screamed.

"Dont be so dramatic Anjay, maybe you left it in a class or something." Brisa tried to calm me down.

"Well when I was going to French I did feel like I left something behind but I never paid attention to it"

"Maybe its in first period", Jay said.

I told them to go home without me and went to Mrs. V class. I walked in to see Leto going thru my phone. He had this creepy smile and those insane eyes. He kept giggling and whispering things to himself. I walked infront of him and tapped my fingers on the desk.

"What are you doing with my phone Leto?"

He looked up and his expression changed, from a insane one to a innocent calm one.

"S-sorry is this your phone? I was gonna thru it to check for the owner but it has a password." He handed me the phone and walked away.

I just shrugged it off and checked my phone to see if theres nothing out of the ordinary. I then saw that there was a new contact on my phone the nick name was just a "❤🔪". I shrugged it off and started to walk out the building to my house.

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