What the burritos?

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[ I just grabbed a random two story house from Google (-_-; )]


God my legs hurt. Why does our house have to be so far. Just...one...more..block!!

"Honey I'm home~" I shouted while slamming the door open.

I took off my shoes and put them next to the door by the rest. I take off my jacket and I hang it on the clothe hanger. I saw another pair of shoes next to Joseph's and Bri's so Jay must be over. I walked to the living room to see Joseph and Jay cuddling in the sofa, watching a movie. I took a picture for blackmail later.

"Hi lil sis, did you find your phone?" Joseph said looking at me with Jay in his arms.

"Yeah just that Le-" I stop mid sentence because he doesn't know about him yet heck I don't even know who Leto is.

But Lita is twins with him and this morning Bri became friends with her so maybe she knows who he is.

"Sis..sis you okay?" Joseph said snapping his fingers in front of me.

"Huh. Oh yeah. Just that school is getting to me. Sorry I have to go bye" I said while running up stairs.

"Tch.." he said trying to contain his dark aura.

No one's POV

"You know how she gets when school starts." Jaylon said while hugging him from behind.

They were both gonna go back to watching the movie but they heard loud foot steps coming down from the stairs. They turn around to see Anjay running to the door ,whispering "shit" over and over, and putting her shoes on. She grabs her jacket and starts to put it on. She was about to open the door until she saw Joseph and Jaylon looking at her.

"What? I need to buy food! I forgot to buy it on the way home,I'll be back beforeeeee uh I'll call you" she said before walking out of the house.


I closed the door shut before letting out a big breath. I looked in front of me and started to walk towards the entrance gate. I unlocked the gate, walked out, and locked it behind me. I plug in my earphones and click a random playlist. I looked both ways before crossing the street calmly.

+Time skip to getting at the market+

"Okay soooo hmmm let's start with the cold products first",I said mumbling to myself.

I start putting the items in the cart before somebody picks me up from my waist and spins me around. My earphones fell from my ears in the process of getting spun around.

"Hey Anjay! Long time no see!"

That voice it sounds very familiar.....

I turn my head just to red spikey hair and red eyes looking at me.

"Kiri!!! Put me down~"


When i was finally on the floor I turned around and hugged him tightly. He just chuckled and hugged back.

"It's been so long since I've last seen you dude!", I exclaimed while having my face in his chest.

"I know I know"

I let go of him and smile widely.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school? How did you get here? Are you alone? Where are the ot-"

"Whoa whoa calm down with the questions. I'm just stopping here since it's been so long since I've seen you guys. The others are fine and they are working hard like always", he said smiling," I'm assuming it is your turn to shop for food?"

"Yeahhhh... Care to join me? "


+Minutes later+

"Okay the last item we need is pancake mix!"

"Well then come on"

Kiri and I start to walk to Area 4 to get the pancake mix, when we got there I noticed HOW FUCKING SHORT I AM COMPARED TO KIRI. I stared at the top of the shelf to see the last pancake mix standing up there.


" Do you want me to help?"

"NO! I CAN REACH IT!" I said while jumping up.


Kiri sighs and chuckles a little bit before picking me up by my waist and putting me on his shoulders. I look around trying not to look down. I bite my cheek before I grab the pancake mix. I hand Kiri the box and he starts to move towards the cart. I start to panic which leads me to hugging his head.

" Put me down! I'mma fall! I'mma die! Put me down! Put me down!"

"Let me go! I can't see! I'll put you down just let me put the pancake mix in the cart!"

Kiri starts to move back and forth in order to try to make me let go but it ended up making me fall. I screamed in fright but I didn't know somebody had caught me. I opened my teary eyes to see..

"H-huh Leto?"

Kiri turned around quickly and took me away from Leto and started to hug me. He kept mumbling sorry over and over again. I just laughed and said it was okay. Leto just glared at Kiri.

Kiri let me go and bowed to Leto saying thank you over and over again. I just smiled in the back ground while Leto looked confused. I grab Kiri's hand trying to make him stop.

"A-are you two a thing?"

Kiri and I both look at Leto weirdly. We look at each other and start to laugh.

"We are not dating! We are just best friends!"

"Oh thats a relief", mumbled Leto.

"Did you say something?"


"Anyways This is Kirishima, Kiri meet Leto , Leto meet Kiri"

"Hey dude!"


I look at Kiri then at Leto at the same time. I noticed Leto had this weird look on his face but I shrugged it off. I checked the time on my phone and noticed it was already 6pm. I showed Kiri the time and he nodded knowing that I have to go home soon.

"Welp it was nice to have a chat but I gotta pay these things and go home already. I'm sure you have some busy things to do?" I told Leto while grabbing the cart to push it to the checkout area.

"U-um not really but I'll see you at school...I guess.."

I nodded while signaling Kiri that we should start moving. Leto started to walk away but he turned around quickly and looked at me. He just smiled and turned around.

+Time to skip to walking back home+

Welp now I gotta carry all these bags by myself since Kiri had to go back home. I can already feel the bags leaving marks on my arms. Fackkkkk.

I tried walking faster since I was already getting tired. I looked in front of me and I noticed a figure in front of me a four blocks away.


1163 words

I'll write chapter 5 throughout the day

Bai Bai my lil burritos

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