Mori x Reader - Stubborn

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"I said get away from me," you hissed as one of the Mafia members tried to treat your multiple wounds.

"You need to be taken care of or else you'll die," he said before applying pressure to one of the wounds that was pouring out blood.

You punched him angrily and he fell to the ground unconscious.

"Fucking pathetic," you mumbled as you tried to stand. Chuuya's subordinates were definitely not as skilled as you had hoped.

You had been attacked by a rival gang, and no one around you seemed to know how to handle it. You had to do all the fighting and in the process you got significantly wounded.

You limped your way back to the Mafia, preparing to kill Chuuya. You made it back quicker than you expected to and slammed the door open to Chuuya's office. Chuuya looked up and his eyes widened.

"What the fuck?" He stated before coming over to you and you instantly punched him in the stomach.

"What kind of useless trash did you give me?" You yelled at him.

"You need to calm down, you're badly injured," Chuuya hissed as he composed himself. He tried to check your wounds and you drew your knife.

"Would you calm the hell down?" Chuuya yelled at you as your body started to throb in pain and you felt light headed.

Chuuya walked away from you and called someone. By that time, you were already falling to the floor.

"Come get your fucking girlfriend, she's on the brink of death and she won't let me anywhere near her," Chuuya yelled. You tried to speak, but you could feel yourself getting weaker and weaker and you couldn't really move your body.

You could hear yelling over the phone as you passed out.


"If you think I'm going to let you slide for putting her in danger, think again," Mori yelled.

"I told my men to protect her! It's not my fault that these men are idiots," Chuuya yelled back. Your eyes slowly opened as you saw Mori towering over him.

"Tell your fucking girlfriend to let other people help her and she wouldn't be here," Chuuya said before leaving the room.

"Princess," Mori said as he turned around to start flustering over if you're in pain.

"Mori, calm down," you told him as he covered you back up with the blanket.

"You lost a lot of blood, let me take care of you," Mori said as he sat next to you on the bed and held your hand in his.

"Mori, I'm fine." You told him. You felt a lot better now that your wounds were treated. You didn't like anyone touching you and you would only ever let Mori near you. It was definitely something that most of the Mafia members found frustrating, but they had to accept it.

"You had me worried, even Elise-chan was worried," Mori said as he squeezed your hand lightly.

"You're such a worry wart," you chuckled as he frowned.

"You almost died," Mori said. "You have to let other people help you. I know that you don't like the idea of anyone touching you, but if I'm not there, how do I keep you alive?"

"Give me better people to work with," you barked at him, still mad about what happened. Mori groaned and just shook his head.

"We'll talk about this later. What do you want to eat? You must be hungry," Mori started to worry again and you jut shook your head.

"(Y/n)-chan!" You heard Elise yell as she ran to you and hopped up on your bed next to you.

"Hi Elise," you said cheerfully. She hugged you gently and Mori started to get jealous.

"Mori's so mean, telling you to let other people treat your wounds when he knows you only trust him," Elise egged Mori.

"Elise-chan, you always turn (Y/n) against me." Mori whined while Elise smirked. You chuckled as you watched them argue back and forth.

"I'm leaving, you better take care of her," Elise demanded before she danced away. Mori sighed as she left.

"(Y/n), please, if you get hurt you have to let someone else take care of you. I don't want to lose you, but you know I have other things to do," Mori pleaded with you. His red eyes begging you to listen.

"You know I don't trust anyone but you," you whispered. Mori had saved your life when you were on the brink of death from your injuries. You were just a lowly member of the Mafia at the time, and everyone else left you to die. Mori didn't. Mori worked for hours to save you.

"I know my love, but you almost died. Of course if I'm with you I'll help you. If I'm not with you have to let other people help you," Mori said. He picked up your hand and kissed the top. You smiled at him, loving the way his lips warmed your cool skin.

"And what if they make things worse?" You asked.

"Then I kill them. You know I'll always protect you," he said as he leaned over to kiss your cheek. It always amazed you how sweet this man could be. He would always make you feel so special and loved and you never thought you'd have this kind of feeling in your life.

"I love you," you whispered to him. You moved over on the bed, making room for him to lay with you. He gently took you into his arms and held you close to him.

"I'm still thinking of how to punish Chuuya," Mori said. "His subordinates really are a bunch of idiots."

"Punish them, I know Chuuya wouldn't accept that kind of behavior," you said as you laid your head on Mori's chest.

"Soft spot for Chuuya?" Mori asked as he sounded a little jealous.

"You're adorable when you worry, but no. I don't think you'll have to worry about punishing them, I think Chuuya will get to it before you," you explained to him and he started petting his hands through your hair.

"I'm not sending you on any missions for awhile," Mori said suddenly. You lifted your head and you were about to start yelling.

"Don't argue with me. You need to heal, and I don't trust you out there with incapable people. You're staying here. My cute little assistant is back," Mori smirked and you rolled your eyes.

"You're lucky I love you," you grumbled and pouted. You knew Mori wasn't going to budge on this one.

"Oh don't act like you hate spending time with me," he chuckled before kissing your temple.

"I love you too, (Y/n)," he whispered to you. You smiled at him before giving him a soft kiss.

"Don't push yourself like this anymore, I don't know what I'd do without you," he said as he continued to run his hand through your hair. You hummed as such a gentle gesture put you to sleep.

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