Virgin!Dazai x Virgin!Reader (L)

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"Princess," Dazai said as he opened his arms for you to run into.

You had been travelling for work for the past two months and your boyfriend was picking you up from the airport. You threw yourself into his arms as you snuggled your face into his chest.

"I missed you so much," you mumbled into his chest as he held you tightly. 

"I missed you too love," he said as pulled away from you and took your luggage from you. 

"Let's head home," He said as he looped his arm through yours and led you out to his car.  You two talked the whole way home and you were genuinely happy to be with him again. 

You two hadn't been dating for very long when you had to leave on business. He had asked you out 4 months ago and for half of that time, you were away. 

"I'm so happy that you're home," Dazai said as he parked the car at your house. You two got out and he helped you bring in your multiple bags. 

Once inside the house you went back to your bedroom and laid down in bed. You could hear Dazai laughing as you instantly closed your eyes in bed and snuggled under the covers. 

"Not even going to wait for me?" He asked as you hid your face under the blankets. 

"I haven't been able to see your beautiful face in two months, don't hide from me," Dazai pleaded as he pulled the covers back.

As soon as he did you jumped at him and he wrapped his arms around you, quickly steadying himself and you.

"I'm so happy to be back in your arms," you whispered to him. 

"Me too love. Are you tired? You can sleep love, I just wanted to be able to see you. I'm sure that you are tired from all that flying," he said as he let you go and you smiled before sitting on the bed and pulling him with you. He hovered over you, looking somewhat bewildered, but he quickly smirked.

"Don't tease," he chuckled as he kissed your lips. You smiled as you wrapped your arms around him and held him tightly to you. 

"Love, I'm sure you're tired. Don't rush into anything, you just got back," he said sweetly. You gave a soft frown before Dazai pulled away from you and left the room to let you rest.

You sighed, but you knew he was only doing it so you didn't feel pressured to do anything. You both were virgins, and had never done anything before. He didn't want to rush you into feeling like you had to do anything since you just got back home.

You didn't really want to sleep, you were too energized. You got off the bed to sit at your computer and you started to play video games. 

You don't know how much time had passed while playing, but Dazai came in to the room at some point and stood in the door way.

"That isn't sleeping," he playfully scolded you as he made his way over to you and draped his arms over you. 

"I didn't want to sleep," you said as you saved your game and logged off. 

"What if I come and lay in bed with you?" Dazai asked you and you smiled. You really did want to cuddle with him. 

He pulled you gently up out of the chair and led you back over to your bed. You both got in and he wrapped his arms and pulled you close to him.

"Sorry I couldn't cuddle right away love," he said as he kissed your temple. 

"It's okay," you said to him as you snuggled into his warmth. He was really sweet and kind when he wanted to be. You got to see a side of him that you never would have thought existed. 

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