Dazai x Reader (L)

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"Hey love," Dazai said before kissing your cheek and wrapping his arms around you. You stiffened slightly at the contact, but you tried to relax.

"It's just me, it's okay," Dazai whispered in your ear and you started to relax in his arms. 

"I'm sorry," you said quietly. 

"Don't apologize love, I understand," he told you as he held you. 

Dazai was the most loving man you had ever met, and you would have never assumed. You had worked with Dazai before the incident and you knew him as a suicidal maniac that also was a goof. You would have never guessed that he would be the one to put the pieces back together of the pain you had to experience.

"Oi-Dazai! Let (Y/n) go and do your damn work!" Kunikida yelled and you smiled as Dazai held onto you tightly. 

"But she's so comfy," he whined, but he slowly released you. 

"Don't distract (y/n) from doing her job, she actually does her work unlike you." Kunikida scolded Dazai before going back to his desk. Dazai lightly pecked your cheek before heading over to his desk. 

You stared at him as he walked away before heading over to your own desk and sitting down. You sat there for a moment, just thinking. 

You and Dazai hadn't been dating for very long, but he acted like he was so immensely in love with you. While you knew that you had intense feelings for him, you were terrified of getting hurt. 

You felt damaged, you didn't think that you were good enough. If you had been better at defending yourself, maybe you wouldn't have went through that awful experience. You didn't have an amazing ability like many of your other coworkers, so when it came to protecting or fighting, you couldn't do much.

"Love?" You heard Dazai's voice behind you. "Are you okay?"  

He moved so that he was bending down to look into your eye and you looked away from him. 

"Come on, let's take you home, you're not okay to work right now," Dazai said before coaxing you to stand up. You looked up to him, grateful that he was so observant. 

Dazai led you back to your apartment. Once you both arrived he led you to your couch for you to sit down.

"You're thinking about that day again aren't you?" He asked. He sounded very concerned, as he knew it was a lot of turmoil.

"I can't help it," you whispered and hid your face in his chest.

"I know love. I just wish you'd vent and talk to me, I'm here to help you," he explained as he rubbed your back.

You bit the inside of your cheek, not really sure of how to tell him how you were still feeling. That what happened still bothered you. 

"Dazai-san," you started, but he shushed you.

"You don't have to talk about it right now, just let me hold you," he said as he held you in his arms, rubbing your back. 

"I'm not good enough," you whispered, the tears you had been desperately trying to hold back started to flow out of your eyes.

"(Y/n), you're more than good enough. What that guy did to you shouldn't diminish how you view yourself." Dazai pulled away and wiped your tears from your eyes.

"But Dazai," you started but he put his finger to your lips.

"Love, it isn't your fault.  I only wish I could have been there to protect you from that man ever touching you." 

"But what if I hadn't-" you started, thinking of how you had gone to the bar that night. You only had one drink before you blacked out and woke up to a random guy taking advantage of you. 

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