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When Jimin moved to Seoul, he had decided then- in that moment that his feet first touched the tiled ground of the train station- that he would give himself a happy ending. He would make sure that he had lived his life to the fullest, regardless of the new and upcoming challenges of living in a new city with new people.

He thought maybe this is possible.

Once he had taken the taxi to his new, rich appearing apartment building with his two suitcases of luggage, eyeing the building in awe, he became ecstatic at the thought of starting over. He had moved here to follow his dream: to become a dancer. Whether he ended up a performer, idol, or even teacher, he wanted to persue his hobby as a career.

When he had met his two new roommates, a couple who had been together for only a year befire realising they were in need of a little financial help, Jimin had grinned being met with two welcoming and happy people. People, as in two boys by the name of Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok. Both were producers under the same company, and they easily made Jimin feel like he belonged.

As the scent of blueberry pancakes clouded his nose, he thought, maybe this won't feel so bad.

The day Jimin had recieved a call, alerting him of the death of his brother due to him unfortunately being a passenger in an accident, he had crumpled to the ground in tears, both Yoongi and Hoseok immediately running towards him and consoling him, rubbing his back and whispering words of comfort into his ears as tears streaked down his face.

Maybe turned into never.

His first assessment was one to remember. A solo performance to showcase their individual skills. A big fat F on the computer screen as he viewed his grade. It was as if he had angered each god to ever exist. Yoongi had spat and cursed, claiming his teacher didn't recognize talent even if Jimin were to kick him in the face. Jimin had stiffled out a laugh as he watched Hoseok yell at his partner for that, before claiming that although Yoongi could have worded it better, the two of them saw Jimin to be incredibly talented- especially Hoseok, who had previously been a dancer also, to which Jimin had then learnt more about.
A chance of his happy ending came into view as the three boys had a movie night that night, filled with ice cream and secrets and happiness.

Maybe, he thought to himself as he nuzzled his tired head into Hoseok's shoulder.

His first job had been okay, waiting tables at a local restaurant during lunch hours just down the road. It provided him with good pay, too, as few of his coworkers would constantly take days off, Jimin happily filling in their shifts as the restaurant was easily manageable with the few people that came in.
Yoongi and Hoseok had visited him one day at work with a gift, yelling at him furiously for not telling them it was the younger's birthday, to which Jimin shrugged with a casual "I've never been one to celebrate."
The two boys had gaped before immediately planning the rest of the day, promising Jimin he would have the best birthday yet, to which Jimin laughed at the thought of what crazy things the couple would come up with.

That night, the two made maybe feel like probably.

It was simple, really. Not too over the top. The three all hated dressing up formal, and disregarded the usual going-out-to-dinner to instead go watch the lobsters in the grocery store's lobster tanks fight. And, well, it was memorable, that's for sure. Yoongi and Jimin had started making bets at one point, their reward being a hug from Hoseok.
Jimin's heart sped up each time.

There was one night where the two had had a fight. Something about Yoongi always staying way later than he should at the studio, working on songs until five the next morning in which he'd get home, have about three hours of sleep and then go back to work to repeat the process.
Yoongi, low on sleep and stressed due to an upcoming deadline, had accidentally lashed out. It had been their first real fight, Jimin learnt (if fighting over pineapple on pizza didn't count, in which the two had apparently started a nerf gun war).
Jimin had consoled Yoongi that night, who had been left alone at the apartment after Hoseok had stormed out. The two had layed on the couch, Jimin combing his fingers through Yoongi's hair.

His probably didn't seem so close anymore. But, maybe he'll get a happy ending. Just maybe.

When Yoongi and Hoseok had apologised to one another, he began to notice a few differences. Though the two remained close to one another, they had also begun to get... Well, clingy is the only word Jimin could think of. Showing not only attention but also affection to the younger. The night they celebrated Hoseok's birthday, Jimin had tried to leave the apartment, claiming with wiggling brows that the two might want some time alone.
Yoongi's face had gone beetroot red with Hoseok's laughter filling the room, before the two pulled Jimin back in and claimed that he was pretty much just about as part of their relationship as they individually were. Jimin's heart skipped a beat in his chest, his body freezing, before chortling and nodding in agreement.

It was about five months later, the middle of summer, that Jimin felt like he was soaring. Like everything that had happened that day had been a dream. As he cuddled with the two older boys, pecks and kisses exchanged, Jimin realised something.

His happy ending wasn't out of reach. It had already happened.

They made maybe feel like probably feel like for sure.

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