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Seventh grade. A new school year, a new school. Seokjin had been nervous as hell; because when only one of your friends go to the same school as you, and there are nine classes of around twenty-eight students in each, there's a very slim chance of said friend actually being in the same class as you. Yet, somehow, they had still made it.

Seokjin had forcefully grabbed Yoongi's hands in the courtyard, twirling him and himself around gleefully, grins etched across both of their faces as Seokjin squeaked in happiness, a chortle coming from the younger. Although Yoongi was younger than Seokjin by a year, they had met in primary school as Seokjin had missed out on a school year due to a few too many hospital visits.

It sucks when your parents' beliefs are pushed down on to you. "You're strong, stop complaining." Yet the sharp pain in his chest and the coughing seized to stop, and he was still forever with a fever. "You're not sick, get over yourself." Wheezing and being dehydrated were also common symptoms, but his parents couldn't care. "Doctors are just strangers with degrees that tell you why you're broken." It was only after Seokjin had fallen unconscious, unable to breath properly with his throat burning and closing up, did his parents finally consult in taking him to a hospital and– oh, he has pneumonia.

With six month's worth of prolonged visits to the hospital, his parents had just given up on the school fees, coupled with the hospital ones, telling Seokjin he would just be behind a year in school; that he wouldn't attend that year. And, to him, that had been fine. After all, that's how he had met his best friend, Min Yoongi.

So there they were, four years later, and Seokjin couldn't have been any happier. Yoongi's smile had begun to falter as Seokjin continued to attempt to spin around, his face eventually ended up in an annoyed scowl as he had yelled for the older to stop.

"It's embarrassing, Seokjin! Everyone's looking at us!" He had hissed beneath his breath, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Seokjin had only giggled, letting go of his friend's hands, before a loud shout could be heard.


In unison, they both turned to where the voice was coming from, only for Seokjin to see a blur of an object inches away from his face. By then, everybody had been facing them, and a collective group of gasps could be heard. Because, you see, that day, Seokjin hadn't been hit in the face by the flying rock that came out of god-knows-fucking-where. Instead, it had chosen to peacefully float in mid-fucking-air. And then the rumours had started.

"I bet when he was in the hospital, they did experiments on him!"

"It's almost like he's supernatural!"

"He's a freak, that's what he is. It's not normal to make things levitate."

And at first, Seokjin adored the attention, because he had thought it was a new way to gain friends. People would constantly come up to them with a pencil in hand, coupled with a few screams of "dUDE MAKE THIS PENCIL FLOAT!"
and it's not like Seokjin could just say no. So he'd point his finger at the pencil and flick it upwards, and the pencil would follow, then followed by a collection of hypnotised gasps.

It was only when the negative comments and bullying started to be more common that he began disliking this new 'power' of his. But it was to be expected, right? They say people bully you when they're jealous, and of course that would be the case in this situation, because who wouldn't want telekinesis?

It was a long day. A tiring day. When Seokjin locked the door behind him and entered the empty house, he sighed tiredly as he dropped his bag on to the kitchen floor. And then, a shiver traveled up his spine.
Seokjin yelped, jumping at the cold touch, and turned around. But there was nothing.
Cautiously, he turned back to his bag to get his laptop out, when he felt something hit the back of his head. Turning once more, Seokjin diverted his gaze to the ground, where a crumpled up sticky note lay. Seokjin looked at it, biting his lip. First powers, now the paranormal? Miss him with that freaky shit.

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