three point one.

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XX pam pov XX

I slammed my car door, walking towards the tall, gray building I called 'work.' I stopped at the door, taking a big breath before walking in. The elevator was under repair, so we had to take the stairs. I opened the door to the stairs, the sound of my heels echoing as I headed up. 

Walking into the room, I smiled softly. For the first time in, well, forever, Jim was here before me! I hung up my coat and reluctantly sat in my seat, plopping my purse down next to me. I adjusted the little name plate on the desk. 'Reception.' I'll be honest, I HATE being a receptionist. Taking calls, planning meetings, etc, etc. It was all so boring. But, hey, that's life at Dunder Mifflin! Boring, boring, boring, boring, boring. 

I pressed the 'ON' button on my computer, looking around as it started up. Dwight sat at his desk, his back completely straight and shoulders back, head held high and his feet flat on the floor. I never understood why Dwight always stood (or sat) with perfect posture. It's okay to slouch sometimes! But Dwight denied it; he said something about how 'everyone who slouches will die before their 80' and 'posture is a reflection of your character' and 'slouching is bad for you. Every second you slouch is a minute off your life' something something. Dwight was... weird, to say the least. 

Jim looked over at me. He had huge bags under his eyes. I'm guessing he didn't get his beauty sleep. I smiled apologetically; he was obviously exhausted. He looked pretty... well, dead inside. My computer chimed as it completely loaded. I was about to open some tabs when Michael peeked out of his office and called for me. Confused, I walked slowly to his office. I was somewhat terrified, seeing all his blinds were closed. I stepped in, bracing myself for any potential murdering that may happen.

"Yes, Michael?" I opened my eyes when he didn't say anything. I didn't expect to see... what I saw. Michael was wearing huge, colorful suspenders and overalls, and giant clown shoes, as well as a curly, blue wig and a red nose. He was also holding a toy horn, which he squeezed, causing it to honk. 

I couldn't help but scream out at this terrifying image. 

"Oh god, Michael. What are you doing?" I asked, stepping completely into the room and shutting the door.

"It's for Phyllis's birthday! Woo! What do you think?" He walked from behind his desk over to me, where he stood a bit too close for comfort.

"Oh, god please no. Michael, no. Never. Please." I begged.

He laughed loudly.

"Michael. Michael. Michael. I'm serious. No. Never. Phyllis is terrified of clowns, and her birthday is in November. It's March." I face-palmed.

"God damn it. Fine, you can go." 

I left his office, right after pulling open his blinds, allowing everyone to see Michael dressed as a clown. The office erupted in laughter. 

Yep, it was shaping up to be an okay day.

Jim didn't move from his desk the entire day. He sat in his chair, typing slowly, his eyes fixed on the bright, glowing screen. I was afraid he was going to have permanent eye damage from it.

"Psst. Jim!" I whispered. He turned his head and looked at me. "Come here!" I motioned for him to come. He shook his head, but like, oddly slow, and pointed at his screen before burning his eyes into it again. I sighed and got out of my desk, walking to Jim. I grabbed his chair and wheeled him away. 

"We need to prank Dwight." I whispered, once we were out of earshot.

Usually, this would make Jim's face light up and he would instantly get working on a master prank. But today, it wasn't the same. He said the words I never thought would be spoken in the history of mankind: "Maybe we should take it easy on Dwight." I gasped dramatically, (not too loud, not to disturb others) grabbing Jim's shoulders and shaking him wildly. 

"Snap out of it!" I whisper-shouted. His shoulders were firm and muscular, very strong. I mentally slapped myself, remembering that I'm (not so) happily engaged. Knowing this, I still didn't let go. I rested my hands gently against them once I stopped violently shaking him.

"It's DWIGHT! Come on! Where's the Jim I know and.. love." I paused slightly after 'and', my voice getting softer. This time I actually slapped myself. Just a little smack on the wrist, trying to calm myself. I leaned in, our faces inches apart. I got weirdly intense. 

"If normal Jim doesn't come back now, I'm gonna... gonna... do something." I lost my sudden burst of energy. Jim's face was blank. He looked absolutely dead.

"What did you do last night? Why are you so tired?" I asked softly.

Jim shook his head, managing to say more than 2 words at a time. 

"I-- nothing. I'm just tired." He slouched in his chair. I could tell he was hiding something, but I didn't say anything. I would get to that later. I was slightly angry. Jim was being weird. I mean, we were best friends! We never lied to each other. I scoffed and returned to my desk, leaving Jim, sitting in his chair, in the middle of the hall. 

I sat down in my seat, leaning back and sighing. I may have been a bit harsh to Jim, but I hate it when he lies. We share everything with each other. Everything. I had to get to the bottom of this. 

A bit later, I waited until Dwight got up to follow him. I caught him just before he went into the restroom.

"Wait, Dwight!" I quickly grabbed his shoulder as he began to go into the bathroom. He stopped and shrugged my hand off his shoulder as he turned around. 

"Ugh. What, Pam? Unless you want me to pee on you--" 

"It'll be quick. I promise. Um, do you know what's up with Jim today? He's been weird, and--" 

"Jim? Jim? Hah, what about Jim? I know nothing about Jim! What do you mean? SHUT UP PAM!" Dwight shouted before running into the men's restroom. I stood there, confused. Everyone was being weird today. It was a weird day.

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