three point two.

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(p.s. i haven't watched the office in a few months [my mom banned me from it bc i watched it too much lmao] so if it's not accurate, im sorry! ♥️]

XX pams pov XX

I walked into the building, sighing monotonously as I slouched into my chair. Dwight walked over, muffling a yawn with his hand. "Pam. I need 4 copies of this, and make it quick." 

Dwight was always blatant like that, skipping straight (more like gay amirite? ok sorry) to the point. 

"Of course. Also, you look pretty beat. What did you do last night?" I asked, as he muffled another yawn.

"Nothing much. Just some farming. It's almost beet season again, so the damn crows are gonna be back. I had to kill 4 yesterday! They did make a delicious, nutritious dinner, though." Dwight answered, tapping his long, thin fingers on the desk as his eyelids drooped a bit.

"I thought you grew beets all year?"  I wondered.

"Well, I do. But the crows usually come around this time of year, with the migration and all. They love beets! They peck at them whenever I turn my head. Those pesky crows... It's a real burden having to kill them, but they are very healthy and good for the bones! Have you ever tried crow, Pam? It's somewhat chewy and tastes a bit like toilet paper, but it's nutritious!! I recommend it, as long as you can get over the toilet paper taste. Heh!" Dwight rambled on.

I didn't pay attention, as Jim walked through the door when Dwight began speaking. Jim certainly looked better today. There was almost a bit of... Joy in his eyes, which was rare when you worked at Dunder Mifflin!

Dwight noticed Jim, walking in and sitting at his desk. 

"Oh. Ahem, Jim. Pam, I need 4 copies of this ASAP! I don't have time for your gossip and chit-chat. Let's hurry this up!" Dwight shouted. 

Jim turned and raised his eyebrows, before continuing his work. 

"Yes." I said quietly, rising to my feet and heading to the copier. Dwight nodded, his large hands on his hips as he waited. 

"Here you are." I handed them to Dwight, glancing at him once more as he walked away, before sitting down. I sighed; I could tell, today would be a train-wreck.

At lunch, Jim and I ate in the break room. Today, we sat closer than normal; our shoulders brushed up against each other's when we moved. If I turned my head all the way towards him, our noses would touch. He ate his usual boring ham and cheese sandwich, while I finely dined on a salad. 

I reached for a napkin, and our hands touched. I stared at him for a moment, before retracting my hand. 

We both played it off as if it was nothing. I admit, I always had a teensy crush on Jim. But I'm engaged! Besides, Roy doesn't need to know! It's just a little school-girl crush. I'll get over it! I hope..

Dwight walked in, holding a brown paper bag in his rough hands. "Ugh, you guys make me sick!" Dwight gagged, sitting at the table behind us, leaning against the wall.

"What do you mean?" Jim asked coolly, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"With your lovey dovey bull crap. It's gross!" Dwight shook his head, tearing open the bag.

"W-we're just friends. You know that." I scoffed as if it were no big deal. 

"Oh, sure. I'm not buying your bullcrap." Dwight scoffed, biting into a raw beet. 

I nearly gagged at the smell. Beets made me sick, ever since I was young.

Jim turned to look at me. 

"Oh, you got a lil' something right there." Jim said, reaching for a napkin. 

" Here, I got it." He continued, wiping the dressing off my cheek. He tucked the napkin under his fingers as his thumb softly grazed my cheek. 

I looked into his eyes for a couple seconds before Dwight interrupted us.

"Get a room! I'm trying to eat my beets!" Dwight groaned as beet juice flew from his lips.

I noticed Jim staring at Dwight for a few too many seconds. 

"Ahem. I'm done with my food, so I'm just gonna head back to my desk." I said quietly to Jim as I stood up, carrying my trash to the garbage can and leaving the room.

Xx Jim's POV xX

Once Pam went back to her desk, it was painfully silent in the break room. The only sounds were Dwight smacking his lips as he ate. 

After a few minutes of ear-ringing silence, I broke the ice by saying, "so, uh, how is Mose?" Smooth Jim, smooth. 

"Not well. He has a nasty case of goat fungus. I keep telling him to go to the doctor, but he doesn't trust modern medicine. I've been trying to fix up the roof, but I can't because I have to take care of Mose."

"Oh." Was all I could reply. 

(to be continued because I'm lazy.)

again and again // dwightxjimTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon