part four.

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xx Jim's POV xx

I walked into work one day, late. I had a dentist appointment at 8:30. Around 10 I showed up. I nodded at Pam to signal a 'hello' and made my way to the empty desk clump. 

I was shocked to see that Dwight wasn't here. He has never missed a day in all 12 years we've worked together. 

"Where's Dwight?" I asked Pam later when I ran into her in the kitchen.

"I'm not sure. Haven't heard from him all day." She shrugged and then hurried into the restroom. I sipped my steaming black coffee and sighed. I looked through the open blinds into the office. Not seeing Dwight's familiar face made me... well I hate to admit it, but... Sad. I actually missed Dwight. I missed his presence in the room. I went back to my desk and stared at the phone for a while, my hand hovering over it, contemplating if I should call dwight or not. I eventually dialed his number and he picked up on the first ring.

"Hey bud, it's Jim."

"Jim? Why are you calling me?" Dwight's voice sounded weak and scratchy.

"Why aren't you here today?"

"I am sick."

"I thought you said Schrutes never get sick."

"I have the goat flu. It's the one illness we are not immune to."

"We all miss you."

I heard him pause for a moment. I could practically feel him blushing.

"Y-you miss me?"

"We ALL do. Feel better."


I heard Dwight scolding Mose and I audibly giggled. Okay it's not like I'm in love with him! It was just funny. Shut up.

"Okay sorry. Anyway, thanks Jim. I... I miss you too. WAIT I MISS EVERYONE ELSE TOO! NOT JUST YOU" 

He was quick to defend himself.

"Bye Dwight."

"Bye, Jim."

I hung up the phone. Pam had left early for a doctor's appointment. I creeped over to Dwights desk and opened the drawer. I saw stacks of paper, yadda yadda, and underneath them, a small, antique wooden box. I carefully lifted it out and set it on my lap. I wanted to look through it. It was so tempting. I knew it was an invasion of privacy, but I couldn't help myself as I lifted off the lid. I quietly gasped at what I saw.

It was a thick stack of photos. There was something else in the box but I was too focused on the pictures. I didn't look through them thoroughly, just skimmed them before quickly tucking it into my own drawer as Michael came out of his office.

"I have an announcement! Everyone in the conference room. I want you in there in fifteen seconds. That's what she said. Haha. Anyway. In the conference room!" We all trudged in and took a seat. Pam wasnt here so I sat next to Oscar. 

Michael chatted for a while and, before we knew, it was five o' clock. 

"Oh! It's time to leave! Well I shall see you all tomorrow, young padawans." Michael exclaimed. We all hurried to our desk and packed up for the day. I stared at the box and wondered. Do I take it? I was curious. I eventually decided to take it. I would return it the next day! I tucked it into my brief case, grabbed my coat, and headed to my car. I sighed as I approached my car. 

I had nothing and no one to go home to. Just go to my small, lonely apartment and watch movies until I pass out on the couch. I needed someone in my life. Anyone.

I got in the car and turned up the radio. It was that song Dwight started blaring in his car during the fire that one time. I pulled out of the parking lot and chuckled as I thought of that day and how weird Dwight is. I was driving and was about to approach the exit to Schrute Farms. I kept driving no matter how much I wanted to turn and go check on him. It was a long drive home. I first laughed about that fire day and how fun it was. Then, all of a sudden, I started to cry. I'm not one to cry at all. I never cry. I get sad, but I never ever cry. I wasn't even sad. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. These emotions I didn't even know I felt until now. The song continued to play on (it's a really long song) as I continued to cry. I didn't know what I was sad about. The tears just kept flowing. Just quiet crying as the song loudly played, covering my cries. I wiped my eyes and quickly changed the song as I pulled up to my house. Once the song changed, all the sadness left. I was completely happy again. I shook it off, assuming I was just sleep deprived and walked up to my apartment. I pushed open the door and shut it behind me, trudging to my room.

I took out the box again. 

I set the lid beside me and lifted out the photos. The first one was from the company retreat we went on. It was my first year at Dunder Mifflin. Dwight was standing next to me, his arm around my shoulder. We both had big smiles. REAL smiles. I remembered it like it was yesterday. Dwight was actually nice to me. He introduced me to everyone and showed me around. We shared a tent, as he was the only person there who I considered to be friends with. It was so fun. The next few were from retreats each year. Each picture was Dwight and I together in some pose. My favorite was one six years ago where we had our backs together, pointing fingers guns out with serious looks on our faces. I remember, we couldn't stop laughing. It took a while to get a picture where we weren't laughing our asses off.

I realized they were all pictures of us together. The last picture was old and crinkled as if it had been picked up and looked at many times. I remembered taking this. It was at a company picnic was back in 2002. Dwight and I were sitting on a picnic blanket in the shade. It was clear the picture wasnt planned. Just suddenly taken. 

We both had big, laughing smiles on our faces. I was looking towards the cameras direction, but Dwights eyes were fixed on me. I thoroughly examined the picture. There was a light blush on his cheeks and his smile was wider than I'd ever seen it. His eyes had an adoring gleam in it. That's my favorite picture of us. I turned it around and written on the back was "2002 Company Picnic, June 22. Jim + Dwight <3"

It looked like Dwight's handwriting but I know he would never write something that dorky. I smiled and went to put the pictures back when I saw something else. I carefully lifted out a brown, scratched leather journal with a black clasp to keep it shut. On the spine was written "Property of Dwight K. Schrute. Do not touch." 

Obviously, I was tempted to look through it. Then I realized how wrong this was. I already stole something obviously valuable to him and went through his pictures. I'd be a shit human being if I went through his diary too. I put the notebook on my dresser, set the box aside, and got ready for bed. I couldnt stress myself out with this. I have enough stress already. I turned off the light and got into bed and fell asleep. Well, tried to fall asleep.

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