Chapter 8

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Rifthold smelled just the same. Looked no different. Everything was normal. And yet, something seemed off. Arobynn put it off as just paranoia. After Sardothien and Cortland were sent away, he became rather suspicious of those he was around. Perhaps it was nothing.

Farran watched the royal prison wagons going in and out of the city from beside him on top of the rooftop of an old warehouse, his cruel smile never leaving his face.

"She was a nasty little bitch, Hamel. Why look so disappointed that she's gone?"

Arobynn paused, not bothering to look towards Farran as he spoke, "You're a fool if you believe she's gone for good," and simply turned towards the stairwell that would lead him down to the streets and back towards the very empty, much less lively assassin's keep.

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