Hopelessly Human

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The black marks were easily removed with bleach and water, thanks to Jimin's suggestion, but it didn't make Taehyung any less irritated to deal with the problem. By the next morning, his uniform was dry and wearable, almost as if Jungkook had never made the marks.

But when Taehyung arrived for school for school the next morning, he watched Jungkook expression carefully as he walked toward his desk, wearing a blank expression to conceal his anger.

Jungkook looked amused as usual with a smug grin when he first arrived, rocking forward in his chair like an energetic puppy. but by the time Taehyung sat down on the chair, his mouth fell open and his movement stilled. Taehyung tried not to look back too long, but he caught a brief glimpse in time to see Jungkook shocked and staring at Taehyung's back. He knew it. Jungkook was undoubtedly the perpetrator.

Taehyung placed his head down on the desk as usual with his arms crossed over the top, but as he leaned down to res this forehead against his arm, he listened carefully to Jungkook behind him. There was a soft sigh from the other and the tapping of a pencil, something he heard Jungkook do the past few days when he was bored or annoyed.

Smiling to himself, Taehyung tried to conceal his laughter, stiffening his shoulders to hide it from Jungkook. Reaching down with one hand while he kept his head down, he reached below the desk to dig into his backpack, left open purposefully, to grab a small plastic white box the size of his hand.

Inside the box was a single needle and a spool of black thread Taehyung brought from home, the very same he used to patch up his jacket. The idea came to him Sunday night as he lay awake once again, on his bed this time, staring at the uniform, drying for two days, across his chair.

For Taichung and his classmates, the second week of school meant the beginning gym class twice a week. Instead of two study periods on Monday, the class would go to a physical education class, generally outside or in the gymnasium, which meant Taehyung's plan for revenge would come sooner than later.

As he stared down at the sewing kit in his hands, he listened to the insistent tapping from Jungkook against the desk behind him, wondering whether he would soon call for his attention. But before his thoughts drifted further, the sound of the classroom door shutting with a soft click was enough for Taehyung to pick up his head and drop the needle back into his bag.

Though instead of the teacher, as Taehyung expected, it was Jimin with Yoongi who followed behind slowly, wearing a large pair of headphones. The music was up loud enough for Jungkook to glance over as well, but Yoongi simply ignored all of them and took his seat in the chair in front of Taehyung as if he wasn't disturbing the class. Jimin, however, didn't seem to care and continued telling Yoongi about his morning.

As Jimin sat down in his seat, he was mid-ramble about his breakfast when the loud rap music finally stopped, causing Jungkook to look away and drop his head down on the desk, mirroring's Taehyung's previous position. Usually, Jungkook seemed to comment on everything, but it seemed the other was quiet today. For a moment, Taehyung wondered if his plan should wait another day, returning his gaze to Yoongi and Jimin.

"Then I said to my mom," Jimin continued his story, looking at Yoongi with a soft smile, but Yoongi quickly stopped him, raising a hand in the air.

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