Chapter 1: Meeting Them

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Hello booklovers ! This is my first time making a story. Oh n tell me my mistake at my english Im okay at my english but sometimes I have it wrong. Oh n the character in this story will be the Magic Animal Club. Ok i will stop my babbling and enjoy reading ;-)

Amy POV:

I was so excited because finally all of the,Magic Animal Club can gather together today. Because we having a meet up at Squid's house. He just move in like 3 days ago so we will help him unpack. I slept early last night and forgot to choose my clothes to wear for today.

Because if I choose it now it will literally take a hour to choose. Luckily, I now what im going to wear. I choose my black Nike trousers and the AmyLee33 top. I wear it quickly and head downstairs for breakfast.

After I finish having my breakfast. I run upstairs again to grab my bagpack and run to the front doors. I make sure all of the window and doors are lock and finally I lock the front doors. It was still 8 in the morning.

I start my car engine and call Squid. It take a while for him to answer his phone. "Hello, David here...." Squid answer with a cheerful sound. "Hello SquidNugget how are you ?" I ask him happily. "Fine..Just unpacking some of my stuff" I could hear him grunting and I feel bad disturbing him.

"Alright then I will be there soon bye Squid "and i could hear his voice "Byeeeeee..."and then I hang up. I get into the car and drive.

Squid POV:

I was so happy when my phone ring just a minute ago and the phone screen display Amy name on it. Suddenly my day dreaming interrupted by my phone. It was Stampy.

I pick it up and I could hear a cheerful happy voice as always. "Hello Squid !" he greet me with a happy Stampy voice. "Hello Stampy how are you doing man ?" I ask with my Squiddy voice. "I am fine thank you... so what are you doing now ?" he ask.

"Nothing just unpacking some of my stuff" I replied. "Oh okay sorry for disturbing you and I will be there soon bye Squid"."Bye Mr.StampyCat"and then he hang up. I carry the kitchen tools box to the kitchen when suddenly there someone at the front door.

"I think its Amy !" I thought. And I rush to the front door. And open it. It was Amy !."Hey Squid !"we both hug each other because its been a long time since I met her. Actually I have feelings towards her I actually like her a lot. I have a huge crush on her since I first met her.

"Squid ?Earth to Squid ?"Amy wave her hand in front of my face. "Huh? Oh sorry...come in"she nodded and came in.

Stampy POV:

"Finally I found his house" at last I found his house after I just got lost just now even though he given me his address. I park my car in his garage and I saw a car that was also park in the garage I try to recognize the car but I cant remember who. Suddenly my phones ring. I have one unread message. It was from Amy!.I click the message icon and read her message.

"Stamps you say you come at 8.30 where are you ?"i smiled looking only at her message and i reply to her "I'm outside....."

I send it and suddenly the front door opens and Amy came running to me. "Stampy !"she hugged me. My face went red. And she let go after a minute or two.

"Are you okay?"i stared at her cute looking face. "Uh yeah..."i answer when she wave her infront of my face. I blushed and look away. Come on Stamps she will find out that you have crush on her if you do that !.

Thanks for reading be sure to comment down below either the story is short or long or even worse boring just kidding so i hope you enjoy reading so bye bookluvies ! ;-)

Infofmation added on 11 Jan 14.

Okay enough with the comments saying my grammar is bad and there are so much mispelled words. Here the explaination. My first LANGUAGE is not ENGLISH. And I am not writing this all on my laptop or computer. And humans do mistakes to ok. So stop being a bich. Sorry for my language.

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