Chapter 11: Embrassing Situation

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Amy POV:

He finally back away when the traffic light turns green. Wait did he Just........Kiss........Me ?. I blushed. He continue to drive. I catch a quick glance at him. He was blushing too. But he was serious. I ignored him. A few minutes later we arrived at my house. For some strange reason Stampy stop his car engine. Why did he stop it ?. He walked out of his car. I open the door and I tried to walk. OUCH !. That why he stops his car engine... I rub my feet that hurt !. I almost forgot what happen before Lee have that car accident... I cut myself, Stampy and Squid were fighting over me and I accidently jump on top of the teapot shards. Jeez it has been a long week.... It was snowing like crazy. Stampy quickly run to me and pick me up, holding me up bridal style.

Once we were in the house he turn on the light and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I look at him. It's remind me of Squid. Why are they fighting over me ?. I mean... I'm not that special and that stuff. I just a normal minecraft youtuber girl. Suddenly he notice me staring at him. I look away. "Amy...." Stampy whisper. I look at him. It was getting awkward at here. We were almost at my room. He hugged me. Stampy hugged me.... Tight... "What is it ?" I asked him. "Please tell me who do you choose ?" He asked me. I knew this going to happen anytime.

"Choose what ?" I said, I know what he means but I don't want to answer it. I feel bad for them. If I like Squid, Stampy will be with who ?. And if I like Stampy, who will be with Squid ?. I know they can find their true love easily.. But I just might break their heart right ?. "Nevermind then..." He said and continue walking into my room. Once we were finally in the room. He put me gently on the bed. "S-Stampy..." I said. He turned around. "Actually I wanted to take a bath..." I said. He suddely blushed. "Okay I will just put you in the bathtub and then you.... just do your thing okay ?" He said, blushing like mad.

"And Stampy.." I said before he picks me up. "Yes ?" He said and look at me. "Are you going to stay here... I mean overnight ?" I asked. He nodded and carry me bridal style again into the bathroom. He open my bathroom door and put me in the bathtub. He walked out and start to search... I think my pj and towel.. I waited for him. Until I realize... Wait... What ? HE WAS SEARCHING FOR MY PJ ??!! THAT MEANS HE HAVE TO SEARCH FOR MY ummm I mean personal stuff TOO !. I blushed. Why didn't I think of that before ?!. Stampy walked in. He was blushing like mad then ever !. "Here yours..... umm pj, towel and umm p-personal stuff..." He said. I blushed and just took all of that from his hands. "Thanks...." I said, he nodded and leave the room. Okay that was really embarrasing !!.

Stampy POV:

I slammed the door shut !. Why don't I just bring her to her closet just now ?!. Idiot me !. "Whatever..." I said and walked out of her room. I walked into her guestroom. I laid down on the bed. It was a really busy week this week.. I sighed. Well at least today I an get some sleep.. I tried to just get some sleep for a while... But it does'nt work because the sound of the snow worries me a lot. I use to sleep late when I was in elemetary school until one night there was a billzard that creeps me out until I have nightmares and stuff.

Why.... Why did I kiss her ?. I sighed again. I love Amy a lot... More than anyone else that I ever love... After I broke up with Melanie... I always think of her(Melanie..). I can't get her out of my mind. Every night I would just dream of her. But after knowing that she really hates me so much and she wants to get revenge on me. I stop thinking about her. But I know she still have that kind feelings inside of her. I watch her videos the other day. And many people were saying in the comments did she hates me or not. She always replied no.. I actually still love Melanie even though I have broke up with her..

~Hye guys ! Sorry for the really confusing ending !. When Stampy said.. "I always think of her" I mean he cant stop thinking of Melanie... Why well I love Melanie ! So for once and for a while Melanie could be kind right ? She cannot just be bad ! So yea I dont even know if that make any sense.. If that make any sense then thanks and if doesnt make any sense then just ignored it... So yea ! Thank you for reading my stories until now and thank you for following me cuz you guys are the best !! So yea hope u enjoy this chap and bye bookluvies ! See you when I see you ! XD~

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