Chapter 9: An Electric Dance!

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Monday morning was pain in the ass for me. First it was difficult to get up, and then I realised I had school and third I was currently being recruited by SHIELD. Yeah, not a great day to be me. Fucking hell man all this and it wasn't even morning yet.

I scanned the folder Fury gave me into my personal SA and read the document page by page on my way to school.

Basically his offer was this, we train you, you serve us. They would allow me to specify what I wanted to be trained in, technology, fighting styles, tactics and other types of skills. I would be personally trained by an agent of SHIELD and when I was deemed ready they would send me out on missions.

I honestly didn't see a single reason to refuse his offer. To be honest patrolling the streets every night is started to get tiring and repetitive. I can be doing so much more good with my time. I could have my own side projects sure, but otherwise I would be helping SHIELD keep the world safe.

I did know there were some disadvantages, like the fact that SHIELD was actually HYDRA, patiently waiting for it's time to strike. I knew that...but still, for now being an agent of SHIELD had only advantages to offer me.

I would have to stop going to the Chikara dojo, my time with the FF might be stretched thin but that was never a problem. I wouldn't be able to continue to be a friendly neighborhood Spider-man, instead going international. But...maybe I can talk to Fury about that.

I walked into school, SA going through terms I should be aware off, like 'death', 'danger' or 'circumstances'. Need to know what I'm in for before signing with the devil.

I walked into first period English and noticed people were once again staring at me, like usual. I sat down in my desk and quickly turned off the SA, don't want some kid snooping through classified SHIELD documents now do I?

"Yo Parker, what's that you got there?" Flash asked.

"It's a Scan & Adapt," I told him not bothering to turn around.

"What does it do?" Flash asked.

"It scans and adapts any document into a digital form," I told him.

"Ah...nice, where did you get it?"

"I made it," I told him.

"You made it?" Harry repeated looking at the SA in a new light, "damn, that's pretty cool."

"Thanks Harry," I told him, trying my best to ignore their oh so subtle attempts to start a conversation with me.

"So Parker, going to the Homecoming dance this Friday? Or are you too cool for that?" Flash as I quickly found myself surrounded by the popular kids, something I found extremely infuriating.

"I haven't decided yet," my reply was short, please take the hint Flash.

"Oh, you're probably going to take Felicia right? I mean after that kiss she gave you she has to be interested."

I shrugged, "maybe."

"Damn Parker lighten up! Man if I had a girl like that I wouldn't spend a second away from her!" Flash grinned.

"You do have a girl like that Flash, she's right there and she's glaring at you," I pointed at LIZ who looked like she was going to blow a gasket.

"I-ah, well I-"

"He's got you there Flash," Harry joked causing everyone else to laugh. Great, fucking groupies, just what I need.

"Move it," I heard Felicia spit out like venom as she pushed past the gathered guys and sit down next to me. She glared at all of them and then settled on me, giving me a small nod with I matched.

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