Chapter 93: Family Matters

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"He's needs medical attention, quickly, Dr. Banner, could you do something?" I motioned to the bleeding Spider-man.

"Don't worry, I'll take him to Tony's lab, he always has medical equipment close. He'll be fine," Bruce assured me, "Sam, Rodhes, I could use a hand."

"We got him," Rhodey replied as he and Sam Wilson helped pick the injured spider totem up.

"Oh my god, Shrek's real in this world?" the injured guy replied, coughing into his mask, "damn that's awesome."

I turned to the young still standing Peter Parker, "I'm leaving Hope with you Pete, take care of her."

"R-right," he replied, his eyes going back down to the Spider-man taken inside, "is that really another version of us?"

I nodded, "he is," I slowly transferred Hope from my arms to his, facing her away from the currently decapitated body that Shuri and T'Challa were currently covered with some kind of black material Shuri drew out from her back pack.

"Princess, can you stay with uncle Pete for now?" I whisper, her eyes shifting from me to the body she knew was just behind us, but unable to see from the corner of her eye.

"Okay...can I play with Morgan?"

I smiled, "sure, go ahead. Be safe ok?"

"'K," she replied as I nodded to Peter. He quickly took her inside where I knew Pepper, Steve and Morgan were waiting to receive her.

"Do you know who it is that came after him?" Hawkeye asked as he sent his family away, looking at the white and purple wristband in my hand, "and what that is?"

I frowned, looking at the watch of sorts. It was metallic silver with the face being in the shape of a purple spider. I recognized it instantly, and the name Morlun.

"It's trouble," I replied, turning to Shuri, the black cloth she placed over the body seemed to come alive as holographic numbers and figures appeared on the surface, displaying information about the body underneath, displaying things like genetic makeup, body age and even a spectral analysis on different parts of his body.

"This man is impossible," Shuri whispered. I looked over her shoulder and saw what she was gawking at his age. According to her readings, the body was only 5 months old. Which meant either Morlun was like Hope and aged quickly, or…

"A clone," I spoke out loud, drawing the eyes of the remaining Avengers of this Earth. "His name is Morlun, an Inheritor. A sort of… cosmic vampire. Only he doesn't feed on blood."

"What does he feed on?" Strange asked as he, Wong and the Wanda of this world listened in carefully.

"The energy produced by Spider totems," I whispered.

"Totems?" Wanda asked.

"Whenever a human takes on characteristics of certain animals, they become a totem of said animal. For example, every Black Panther that ever held the mantle would be a Panther Totem. I suspect you know your connection via Bast?" T'Challa nodded, understanding what I meant, "well, like that I and your Peter Parker are totems of spiders, a Spider Totem. And a Spider Totem has a special place in the multiverse."

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