Chapter 51: Warning: This Chapter contains lemons

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I narrowed my eyes, the zoom feature on my helmet kicked in as it gave me a proper view at the unmarked fifteen story building standing over a mile away. I couldn't see much, most of the windows were tinted, but from I could see the building was empty, it was midnight.

I was in the middle of nowhere in the state of Massachusetts, out in the countryside. I had taken a train to get here and then a taxi that dropped me off a mile west of where I currently was. I was lucky, fifty bucks and the driver didn't ask any questions.

I so missed having my amazing flying car but...well, sacrifices and all that.

Today was friday night, I had two days times for this, I told my family I was going to work late, they didn't question it for a second.

And now here i was, finally at a Roxxon onshore blacksite, meaning it wasn't listed on any of their official documents. The only proof that this place even existed was in the files Connors had in his laptop.

It took me all day to track this place down, but now I finally had it. I had taken a short nap in the train and now I was ready to finally tackle this giant company and bring it down.

I leaped off the tree branch I stood on and began jumping towards the building. There was a giant fence on the border, five guards patrolling the grounds. I managed to jump over the fence and shot a web line out, swinging over to the building's side.

I crawled up to the roof and leaped onto a radio tower in the middle of the roof. This was where all the information for the building was collected and sent through, and for a company like Roxxon that dealt with information on such a massive scale, this tower was very important.

Meaning I can use it. I took out a wire connecting my SA to the tower, "Sexy, hack into its security system log and find out everything I need to know."

"Working on it," the AI replied as she supplied me a list of security features the building had. It was all basic stuff, motion sensors, cameras, lasers and...wait.

"Sexy, floor five, why is there no records?" I asked allowed.

"That floor is listed as a medical ward Spider, I can't seem to gain access of any, strange," Sexy rpelied, "shall I focus my attention on that?"

"An entire floor for medical personal, yeah, please," I snorted as the computer began to do just that.

After a moment a new schematic showed up, revealing a floor plan that didn't match up with the other floor's design, something odd and...familiar. Now curious I decided to check it out, it would be useful.

I removed the cable and went to the air vents. I opened the latch to the door and placed it gently aside. I jumped down and managed to crawl my way to floors down before the vents became too small for me to use them anymore.

I got out of the vents and began to sneak around through sticking on the walls, hanging upside down as I did so. I noticed a managed to find an elevator in the distance and waited for a moment for someone to come and use it.

And sure enough at the five minute mark a security gaurd used the elevator to come up to the floor. The door opened and they walked out, just as they turned the corner and the doors began to close I dropped down and leaped forward, plumbing inside as the doors shut behind me.

I turned out the elevator and found the panel completely digital. I pressed the fifth floor button and waited, but nothing happened.

"Please input your security code," a number panel glowed over the floor listings. I sighed, I took out the cable again and looked around, failing to find an access port.

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