Chapter 57: Phylum- Chordate

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The sun was just rising when I woke up, yawning and stretching as I looked around, rubbing the sleep from my eyes to find myself in an oddly familiar room. It took me a moment to realise where I was.

I looked to my side and saw Susan resting her head on one of my arms, a large blanket covering her body's modesty as her hair danced down her body. She was finally letting it grow, I liked short hair, but she just seemed...sexier with it going long.

I wanted to say something, to whisper good morning, but before I could, she woke up, growling. She humned, her eyes flickering open as she looked up, her eyes blinking away sleep as she smiled at me, "morning Peter."

"Morning Sue," I smiled back, "did you sleep well?"

"You know we didn't do much sleeping," she smiled as she leaned forward, capturing my lips in a kiss. She moved her body on top of mine and smiled at me, "last night was..."

"Amazing?" I smirked.

"Spectacular," she whispered, kissing me again, but slowly the happiness in her eyes seemed to slip away as she looked down at me with a sad smile, " was last night...and...I...I'm sorry Peter, but I can't do this...not with you."

I smiled, reaching out as I cupped her face in my hand, "I know...I promise you Sue, I've never hated being as young as I am than I do right now."

She smiled, "I know...and I'm sorry," she leaned down and kissed me again, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear as the sunlight danced across that golden curtain, "if you need me a guide, a friend, a shoulder to lean on or anything...I'll be there. But I can't….I can't be anything more than that."

I sighed, "damn my luck..." I looked into her eyes, trying to memorise every single detail on her face and on her body, because I knew, just knew, that one day, I would forget it all. I sighed, "damn it all Susan Storm, why do you have to be so difficult?"

She smiled, and without a word, she leaned down again, this time though, I knew it would be the last.

Her fingers danced down my face, seemingly trying to map every line on it. Her lips soft and now familiar against mine. But just as I started to get into it, Sexy's voice came out.

"Peter, I'm sorry to interrupt, but you're getting a call from Mr. Stark and he says it's urgent," the AI stated quickly.

Sue pulled away and smiled, "duty calls."

I groaned, "can you tell him to wait? I should at least say a proper goodbye..."

"I'm sorry Peter but-" her voice suddenly cut off, replaced by Tony's, "Peter! Get your ass over here now!"

"Get out of my suit's system Stark!" I yelled back.

Immediately the voice changed back to Sexy's, "apologizes, Mr. Stark is quite...good at finding out my weak points. It won't happen again."

Sue chuckled as she crawled off me and plopped on the bed, "go on Peter...I'll see you later."

I sighed, with great regret I got out of Sue's bed, knowing it would probably be the last time I would ever be in it. I turned around, she smiled, and I smiled back, emptying on the inside.

I snapped my fingers and immediately my costume came alive and shot onto my body, clinging onto my form like ink before spreading and covering me wholey, suiting me up in my Black Spider costume.

I left out the window, Sue waving goodbye as she held her sheets up to cover herself. I jumped and gave a mental comand, the shield shaped silver backpack wicked alive, the thruster I had installed roared, sending me flying into the air.

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