Chapter 54: The Calm before the Storm

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It was Monday night. I should be at my lab or out patrolling the streets, though the latter half Matt does cover for me so it isn't absolutely necessary. But still, I should be somewhere else, i honestly didn't think I would be...well, here.

For the first time since Nat and I began using it the Queen's SHIELD bunker was finally being used for actual SHIELD mission purposes.

I stood in full costume next to Jessica and a scientist named Albert Reech that SHIELD had on their payroll. We stood on the other side of a one way mirror looking into an interrogation in progress. And the man of the hour? A fully cured Curt Connors.

"So you're telling me, you don't remember any of it?" the agent interrogating him scoffed as he leaned back on his chair, "I find that hard to believe doctor."

The man in question was bald and sickly looking, almost as if he was a cancer patient that had gone through extensive chemotherapy.

"I-I am telling you all the truth. I am sorry, but I don't remember what happened to me for the past three days," he whispered, his voice frail like a wilting rose.

"You killed a man," the agent hissed, "gutted him in half and then tried to kill more people. You're telling me you don't remember any of that?"

"What a douchebag," I grumbled.

"He's just doing his job," Albert argued.

"We established the Lizard is a separate entity, sort off like a split personality disorder deal," I shot back, "and he's still treating Corners as if he's personally responsible for those deaths."

"It's protocol Spider," Jessica told me, sending an apologetic look, "it can't be helped." I grumbled, but didn't argue back.

"Find," the agent tapped the table rhythmically, "fine….tell me about ROXXON."

Coroner's blinked, "what do you want to know?"

"How did they contact you?"

"Email...they sent me an email with...well, everything I would need," Conner's looked down, his shame was so potent I could feel it form here, and form the way Jessica's eyes sadness, I'm guessing she could as well.

"How did they even know what you were working on?" the agent asked.

"I was stuck on grafting of genetic markers onto a subject's DNA...the key to the whole formula...I...I reached out to the dark net, hoping someone, anyone could help me. I visited so many site, so many forms...and then...I came home one night to see a new email in my inbox."

"And..that's it? A multinational company just happened to reach out..forgive me, but a nobody professor and gave him the answer to all his worries? No strings attached?"

"I...yes," Corners nodded.

The interrogation went standard from then onwards. They asked him the formula details, who knew, if it could be massed produced. Whatever SHIELD was planning...HYDRA might get their hands off it. I need to make sure if Corners tell them, it's not the real formula.

But then...something...something was nagging me. In my head, something didn't sit right with this whole deal.

"That doesn't make sense," I hissed.

"What do you mean?" Jessica asked.

"I have been after those bastards for weeks," I replied, "I have followed every trail, every corner of the city. I couldn't find a trace of them, not even a paper trail. But now? They slip off? An email with their name in big bold letters? They must have know Coroner's was a liability, they aren't stupid. But now….it doesn't make sense."

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