The Beginning

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It was the first day of school at Rosewood Elementary in 1999, parents are dropping their kids of to their classroom waving goodbye to them. An 7 year old Emily Fields is being dropped off by her parents.

"Okay, Emily you got your lunch, pencil, paper, crayons, and everything?" Pam Fields said.

"Yes, mommy" said the young Emily.

"Don't forget about soccer practice after school." said Wayne Fields

"Daddy, will you be coming to my game this Saturday?" she said.

"Sorry honey," Emily father said, "We talk about this, Daddy got to be deploy to Afghanistan this weekend." 

"Oh." said a disappointed Emily.

"But, I promise I'll come to the next one and if you win, we'll get ice cream after the game." Wayne said.

Emily frown just change into a smile and said, "Okay dad."

"Bye sweetie." said Emily's mom

"Bye mom, bye dad." Emily said as soon as he got out of the car with her book-bag and lunch bag.

Another car pulled up in front of the school as an 7 year old Spencer and 11 year old Melissa Hastings got out of the car.

"Listen girls." Veronica said. "Your father will be picking you up after school. Spencer don't forget about your violin lessons and Melissa don't forget about your ballet recital.

As they both walk to the school, Melissa said to Spencer, "You're always mom favorite." she said in a envious manner, who was jealous of all the attention she got from Veronica. 

An 8 year old Aria Montgomery is walking with her parents and her 5 year old brother, Mike. 

"Okay Aria you know where your classroom is?" said Ella, her mother.

"Yeah!" she said with excitement.

"Remember don't eat your cookie until after you finish your sandwich." said Bryon, her father.

"I won't, Dad." she said sarcastically. 

"Well you go on to class while we take your brother in the his classroom." her mother said.

"Okay, bye mom, bye dad." she said as walks to her classroom.

"Bye Aria, Bye honey," said her parents. 

"Come on, buddy let's go find your classroom." said Bryon while taking Mike to his classroom.

A car pulls up to the school with a 7 year old 200 lb Hanna Marin with glasses on.

"Okay honey, you got your lunch and your book bag." said Ashley, her mother.

"Yes momma." said a nervous Hanna.

Ashley turns around and looks at Hanna and notice how nervous and anxious she is and said. "Hannah sweetie listen to me, don't worry on what people think of you, just remember you're beautiful inside and out and somebody will definitely be friends with you."

"Thanks mom" Hanna said with a smile on her face.

"Bye honey, have a good day." Ashley said as Hanna got out of the car.

The last car pull up was a 6 year old Alison with her 10 year old half brother, Jason who are being dropped out by their mother, Jessica.

"Alright Jason your father will be picking you up and Ali i'll be taking you to your art class after school." Jessica said.

"Okay bye" said the ten year old Jason as he got out of the car while Ali stay in.

"What is it, Alison?" said Jessica

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