The DropBox

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The next day in Washington D.C.,at the hearing room, where Spencer stands looking in the glass of a display case, trying to put her hair and clothes and person together. Spencer enters the room while she tries to keep her eyes on the table where she'll be sitting.

"Special Agent Hastings." said Cassidy. 

"I apologize for making you wait. I have evidence.." Spencer said as she sit down.

"Evidence of what?" Cassidy said.

"Of the murder of three bodies who died in the bombing. I discovered what killed when I was in Texas.." Spencer said.

"You've been in Texas?" Cassidy said. 

"Yes I have." Spencer said.

As she continues to speak her cell phone went off as she received a message from Alex.

"Family emergency Ms. Hasting?" Cassidy said.

"Yes. Please excuse me." Spencer said as he look through her message.

It said, "You failed the game, you didn't find any evidence. As loser you are about to face the consequence of 'The DropBox.' -A."

Spencer replies to her back and said, "What the hell is 'The Dropbox?' she hit send and Alex reply to her back and said, "You'll see."

Spencer turns off her phone so she won't have any distraction as they resume to hearing. 

"I'm sorry as I was saying..." Spencer said.

As soon as she continue the conversation,  the panel members start receiving messages on their phone and on their computer as the look at their email and messages. They both look and shocked and disgust. There is a hush of murmured response to this.

"Is their something wrong?" Spencer said as she was confused.

"Agent Hasting, do you mind explaining this?" Cassidy said as she raised her phone at her while Spencer got up and walk towards the table and saw the picture.

Spencer look at the photo on her phone as it appears to be Alex wearing lingerie and skimpy outfits posing as Spencer. She looks at the computers as the members were looking at more racy photos.

"No no. That's not me, that's my twin sister, Alex." Spencer tries to explain, but they refuse to believe her.

Cassidy takes off her glasses and said, "Agent Hastings, due to these inappropriate photos that have been leak, I'm afraid we're going to have to suspend you."

"No please, you got to listen to me, that's not me! Its my sister she was the one who kill those men and that little boy.. you gotta believe me!" Spencer begs but they wouldn't listen.

"Mr. Sullivan while you please escort, Ms. Hastings out the door please." Cassidy said.

Spencer eyes started to water as a tear start rolling down her face.

Back in Rosewood, Hanna walks into The Brew, as she see Mrs. Grunwald drinking tea at a table.

She sits down with her, as Grunwald ask her, "Did you discover anything?"

"Oh yeah, we saw tanker truckers that was fill with something poisonous." Hanna said.

"What?" Grunwald said.

"I think someone use that stuff to poison those guys and that little boy. It could be a virus, I don't know. Especially when we went inside the domes. There were bees and corn crops." Hanna explain.

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