Trouble in Paris

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Present Day in France, Paris. Jenna step out of SVU with a handsome man named Scott Hennilin. Her plan is to find Alex and Mary, free them and help them get revenge on the girls.

"I love the smell of Paris don't you?" Jenna said. "Yeah, well you know what they say, Paris is the most romantic country." said Scott.

Jenna smiled at him and give him a kiss. "Come on, it should be this way." As they walk down in  town, they found the doll store called, "Foret Des Roses." They both walk in and they see a lot of dolls on the shelves.

"These dolls give me the creeps. How can kids play with these stuff?" Scott said.

"Guess most kids like creepy things." Jenna said. After the last customer left the store an old lady who was working behind the counter came up to them, 

"Excuse me." The old lady said. "Can I help you?" 

"Hi, um.. yes I'm looking a for a special doll." Jenna said. 

"Oh for your daughter?" the lady said. "No." Jenna chuckled. "My niece." she lied. As Scott looks for the key to the basement. Jenna goes behind the old lady and hit her with her white cane knocking her out unconscious.

"God, this old lady was giving me a headache." Jenna said.

"Hey." Scott yelled. "I found the key.. and the door."

"Perfect." Jenna said.

As the two of them walked down the basement, they both found an entrance to the dollhouse where Alex and Mary are trapped.

In the dollhouse, Mary was drinking her tea and Alex was reading her book.

"God, I wish we can get the hell out of here." Alex said.

"I know darling, just be patience." Mary said. "You said that a million times and still nobody help us out of here." she said.

They heard noise as somebody was coming in.

"Its probably Mona." Mary whispered. 

"Let's get her." Alex said as the both of them hid behind the door as soon as the it open. They thought it was Mona, who they were going to attack, but they found out it was her, just Jenna and Scott.

"Hey" Jenna open the door with Scott behind her and said. "We're going to get you out of here. All right? But we don't have much time."

"Who are you?" Alex said.

"I'm Jenna Marsha and this is Scott. I wanna make you a deal." she said. "We should kill you. Should we mummy?" said Alex.

"Oh come on, think bigger, Alex. I'm not the one you want. You want Spencer." Jenna said.

"Ugh, that bitch." Alex eyes rolled. "And I can show you where she is." Jenna said. "But first I need you to trust me. Do you?" "Idk I mean we just met you."  said Mary.

"Well I wouldn't bet on it." Alex said. 

"Come on, Alex what will you say." Jenna.

"Once we get back to Rosewood, the girls would come to you and I want you to make them bleed!" Jenna said.

"Oh i'll do more than." Alex said.

"Hey!" Scott yelled. "Come on, we gotta to get out of here." 

The four of them leaves the dollhouse, then the old lady woke up gain consciousness, and start hitting the alarm.  The store alarm went off meaning the cops are coming.

Alex then shoots the old lady so they won't be any witness. They both got into the SVU, before the police arrive.

"We might have to go to the back way to avoid running into the police." Scott said.

"You're not going anyway." Jenna said as she aim the gun and shoots Scott in the shoulders.

"Ohh!" he yelled and groan in pain. "Why?" he said. 

"Sorry babe, but this is a girls mission." Jenna said. "You bitch." Scott said as she lives him wounded and drove off before the police arrives.

As Jenna, Alex, and Mary driving off, Alex asked, "So why do you want revenge on the girls?" 

"You really wanna know?" said Jenna. "They took away my eyes she said while driving and showing them her  blind eyes.

"That must suck." Alex said. "Yeah, but I got you two something." Jenna handed Mary and Alex new cellphones.

"Cool." said Alex. "Wanna have some fun with the girls?" said Jenna. 

"Let's play one more last game shall we Spencer?" Alex said she she turn on her new phone.

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