The New Life

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Spencer Hastings lives in Washington D.C. with Toby. She decided to change her career option from being a lawyer to an FBI agent, along with Toby after her confrontation with her Alex. Spencer chase off a criminal in the city, while the criminal ran across the street, he's been stopped by Toby's car.

"Not so fast you son of a bitch." Toby said as he pointed a gun at the criminal.

The criminal has been taken into custody and Spencer was congratulated by the Special Agent, Melvin Alexander.

"Good work, agent Hasting. You caught that bastard." said the agent. 

"Oh, it wasn't just me. I think Toby deserve the credit, he stopped him." said Spencer.

"It was nothing" Toby chuckled.

"Enjoy your vacation, Hastings." the special agent said.

"I thought we never catch him." Toby said as he walk with Spencer.

"Yeah, chasing after him felt like hell." Spencer chuckled. "I think I'm going back to Rosewood for awhile. My check on the girls see what they are up to." 

"I haven't seen you with the girls in awhile, other than talking to each other on Facebook." said Toby. "Well have a safe flight, tell the girls I said hi."

"I will bye." Spencer waved goodbye at Toby as she was living Washington to visit the girls in Rosewood.

Back in Rosewood, Emily is the head coach of the swim team at Rosewood High School.

"That's  2.15, you were short." Emily said to one of her players in the pool.

"You need to faster your time, Claire." she continued. "This isn't like you, Claire, what's up with you? Is someone giving you a hard time, cause you are not really focusing."

"It's just my boyfriend cheated on me." Claire said. "Hey look at me." Emily said. "Don't worry about that guy, you deserve better than that. I bet the girl he's with doesn't have the talent that you have." Claire smiled at Emily. "Thanks coach, I need a little confidence boost." she said. 

"Good, cause you'll need it for the trials." Emily said as she smiled back. "Alright now laps." Emily said as she blows her whistle.

In Beacon Heights, Oregon. Alison is seen with her luggages as she leaves her new apartment. Alison has been taking a job as a new facility member at Beacon Heights University. She puts all her luggages in a taxi cab as she leaves Beacon Heights.

"Where to, miss?" said the taxi driver.

"Home. To RoseWood." Alison said.

"Did you like your stay here in Beacon Heights?" said the driver.

"Things didn't appear as they seem to be here." she said.

In Rosewood, Aria has return to Pennsylvania, as well with her former high school teacher now husband, Ezra. They are now author publishers and release a new book called, "Vulnerable and Obsession." They both head to their book signing as many people are line up to get their book sign by the married couple.

"Oh my god, look at all these people showed up!" Aria said. "I never seen this many people line up since my last book, "Ostinato." said Ezra.

"I'm so glad we did this." Aria said as she plant a kiss on Ezra lips.

"Me too." he smiled at her.

Aria and Ezra got out of their limousine as they greet and wave at their fans outside. 

They both walk inside, thank their fans for coming and sign their books to their fans.

"Thank you." Aria said as she sign her name to a fan's book. The next person in line was Lucas Gottesman, an old classmate at the girls old high school. 

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