Chapter 9

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It was a very, very hot Sunday.

And while all the other kids get to run around eating ice cream, going to movie theatres, and melting ants with magnifying glasses, I am stuck in my room lying between a stack of homework and a stack of boxes.

It was oppressing me, really!

I groaned as mom popped her head in once again to nag me about my not yet unpacked room.

Granted, I know she's right. I seriously do need to unpack my life, seeing how yesterday's outfit fiasco was not something I care to repeat.

I mean, what if Potter asks me out?

I'd have no way to find an outfit that would match our devious date. Not to mention I have no idea what box I placed my official issued wand and fan girl scarf.

But then again, it is miserably hot out. Even if I am inside, I can feel it radiating from my window. 

Yup. I'd much rather sleep under my nice cool fan and forget all about these books and boxes...

With a defeated sigh, I slowly closed my eyes.

That is, until I felt a shoe jab into my side as a familiar voice ushered someone to stop it.

When I opened my eyes I saw a very worried Alex glancing over at me like I was ill and an extremely mischievous Amy's shoe on my arm.

"Get up woman!!" Amy's voice commanded.

I reluctantly shifted myself until I was sitting up.

"Now get some clothes on! We're going to get greasy food!" Amy smacked me across the shoulder. As if that would help me go faster.

I pouted, "I can't!! I have to unpack and do homework!"

Alex, now sitting on the end of my bed, shook his head in disapproval. Amy seemed unfazed by my workload. With a hearty laugh, she exclaimed, "Fine then! We'll help you unpack these boxes and then do homework at Jack in the Box!"

My mouth went wide with a gasp, "Would you ever?"

Alex got off the bed and opened the lid of one of my boxes, "It's not like we're going to sit here and watch you drown in your troubles."

"Nope. You already do that at school," Amy giggled.

I sighed as I got off the floor. Guess I'll have to do this.


After two hours of boxes, laughing at my clothes, admiring nail polish, organizing, tossing boxes, and jumping on the bed, my room was pretty much box free.

The box curse was finally lifted from my bedroom floor and I was left with my happy ending (amazing friends and a large curly fries).

My homework load actually wasn't as bad as it had seemed and I finished in about half an hour.

Of course I ended up spilling the whole details of my date night to them, kiss and all. At the end of my fable I got two very different reactions.

"What!? Awwwww seems like you're going to get a new boyfriend!" Amy gushed, going on to say how cute our babies would be and old people homes.

Alex on the other hand didn't believe my story one bit.

"No way. You're lying." he rolled his eyes, "there's no way that asshole would say those sorts of gushy, girly things!"

I shook my head, "I'm not lying one bit!"

"I bet you got chicken and didn't even go on the date."

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