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The first two or three chapters will be your background. The basis of your secrets and your past.

[Y/N] vs Ideology

When you turn six years old (in Zudna culture), that's when your mind speeds up and you can make choices for yourself. Although, you're still a child at heart (and even through your teenage years you're going to make teenagery decisions and choices). But the whole premise was your decisions were of your own mind.

And sometimes this idea that our choices for ourselves start early is what put people in this position. The position to go against your family. Her father was the tribe leader. Her mother was his partner, his second-in-command, his bride, his love of eons.

Mom. [Y/N] always could feel that she was different. That she held a secret within her. She knew this because of this sort of sixth sense. And she never knew why. Until the young [H/C] haired femsle made the executive decision to leave herbed.

The floor creaked under her young small feet. But she didn't care. Zudnas were never allowed to care about anything or anyone. Not even their own family. [Y/N]'s home was just a small tent, but it was big enough on the inside.


Magic was  a second nature to Zudnas. It was like breathing. If you went without using it, something bad will happen. Except no one exactly knows what happens to you. All they knew is that it is painful both physically and mentally.

Walking down the stairs proved to be a difficult task as she was trying not to make loud noises. However, the floor was creaky, cracky, squeaky, and squaky. But she made it down the stairs. And she hid behind a bookshelf once she saw her mom talking with someone. Igo^1's father.

"What are we going to do about the crystal, [M/N]?" Igo's father, Sayer, asked [Y/N]'s mother, [M/N].

"Get it far away from here. The magic of our clans. It shouldn't be here at all. We get the crystal far away, destroy it, and our energy goes away." [M/N] said.

[Y/N] couldn't see what they were doing. All she could do was hear and smell. Hear what they were planning. Smelling how bad it actually was.

"No magic ever! We could all die." Sayer exclaimed.

"Not if someone destroys the crystal to become the source themselves." [M/N] replied.


"What are you talking about?" That was what [Y/N] was thinking too.

"If you destroy the crystal in order to consume its power, you'll become an unstoppable force. This one person could wipe out the humans and imprison the elves and dragons with a snap of theit fingers." Something was wrong with [Y/N]'s mother.

She was a power hungry monster.

"No more being thought of as criminals. As horrifying monsters. As impure beings. Zudnas could finally be up on top. Where we should have been all along." [M/N] explained.

"What you're saying is horrible. Its a nightmare. Why would you want to become the demon they think we are?" Sayer warned.

He had a good point, but [Y/N] knew better. She had known about what drove her mother. Loss. Pain. Fear. It all drove into this coming factor. The factor she knew all too well.

"They started it first! When the humans killed my father and the elves stole my sister!" Mom?

Sayer started to laugh. Uncontrollable, merciless laughter. The laughter of a madman.

"Why do you laugh? Laughing at the queen's misfortune?"

"I'm laughing because the elves didn't steal your sister. No. In fact that was what I told everyone. That's not true." Sayer explained.

[Y/N] dared to peak to see what was going on. Sayer, in all his warrior glory, stood with his sword against her mother's throat. The [E/C] eyes of the child widened in fright.

"I killed your sister. Blamed it on the elves hy saying they broke in and kidnapped her. She knew too much. She needed to go." Sayer said.

"You want the stone for yourself, don't you?" [M/N] asked.

[Y/N]'s finger twitched. Sparks. Lightning. Electricity.

"No. I want to destroy it for a reason. We should be the weaker ones. Your ideologies of us being supreme could never happen. We must be what the world sees us. And then, we pulverize them to the ground." Sayer said.

"That would never work."

"And why not?"

"Because for that to happen, you need a vessel. A vessel to keep the flow of magic. If we want to be the bottom, then the humans and elves still need their magic. You wipe us out by the means of magic. Then, you-."

[Y/N] saw it. She saw the dagger materialize from thin air. Spatial magic. The dagger had sparks of both blue and yellow lightning being emitted. In a split second, the dagger was flying and Sayer had fallen to the ground. Limp.

"Must die."

And upon seeing that, [Y/N] ran up the stairs. Her little kid mind running with so many thoughts. So many it seemed to consume her. Consume her mind. There, she saw her best friend, the only child of Sayer.

"Igo!" She cried shaking him awake. "Igo, wake up! Wake up! You beed to get out. We need to get out!"

"[Y/N], what's going on?" He opened an eye tiredly.

Her best friend. Would he be in danger since her mother had killed his father? Would they even be friends anymore? Could they be friends anymore? [Y/N] had her [E/C] eyes meet his dark eyes.

"We need to go." That was all she told him.

He sat up in her bed. "What do you mean?"

Her daemon came up to his daemon and gave him a look. And his daemon looked at him. But before they could even react, the door was opening and her mother stood there.

"I thought I smelled a new scent in the room. Wait. Till your father hears about this." Her mother's daemon (A Red Fox) stood beside her and he was growling.

Word Count: 1, 011.

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