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[Y/N] vs Claudia

“This changes everything.” [Y/N] whispered. 

The moonshadow elf, Rayla, nodded her head. “You took the words right out of my mouth.” 

“So this is it? The egg of the Dragon Prince?” Callum asked staring at the glowing egg with a base of blue and other patches of color. 

“I can’t believe it. If the egg lives…” Rayla trailed off. 

My people could become what my mom wanted us to be. [Y/N] thought to herself. 

“Maybe it could stop the war.” Callum pointed out.

“Or start a new one with my people.” [Y/N] commented. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Rayla nod her head. So, the elves all know about her, her family, and exactly what she did. Rayla walked forward to the egg, and Ezran wrapped his arms around it. 

“He’s okay in there. I can feel it. Can’t you, [Y/N]?” Ezran said. [Y/N] nodded her head and walked to stand in between Callum and the egg. 

“But how? Why- why wasn’t it - why wasn’t it destroyed?” Callum said having trouble getting the words out. 

“Because my father saved it.” Claudia said making her presence known. 

She held the primal stone of the skye in her hand, and it kept on sparking. Claudia glazed over [Y/N] to see Callum and Ezran. 

Rayla turned around and raised her duel swords. “Claudia!” 

“Callum, Ezran, get behind me.” [Y/N]’s mage roommate told her completely forgetting she was here. “I can protect you from the elf. And the traitor.” 

[Y/N] stiffened at the word “traitor.” But she calmed down when she felt a hand grip hers. Callum. Although she and him were still at odds with one another, he was still her BFTIMAF (Best Friend That Is My Age Forever). 

“Your father didn’t save it. He stole it.” Rayla told her. 

“That’s a lie!” Claudia defended her father. 

“Then, Claudia, why is it here?” Callum asked her. 

“My father took it to protect us, Callum, so the elves and dragons couldn’t use it. Or worse the Grand Chieftess of the Zudna could turn us to dust with it.” 

“What are you talking about? How can we use it?” Rayla asked her. 

“And turn you to dust? No Zudna has ever done that before. It’s entirely against our culture and our ideology.” added [Y/N]. 

“Don’t play dumb! You know it’s a powerful weapon.” Claudia said. 

“It’s just an egg. The most powerful weapon it can do is be ammo for an egg launcher or be apart of egg on the spoon race thing.” [Y/N] said. 

“Ezran don’t be afriad. Walk towards me, and if they move even an inch...” Claudia told the young prince. 

[Y/N] looked over towards Ez. I’m no monster. I’m no traitor. I’m your friend. I’m your protector. You know me Ezran. You are one of the only three that know what I’ve been through. What I’ve really done. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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