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[Y/N] vs Palace Life

[Y/N] was cold. It was raining, but the rain was colder than ice. Her lightning didn't work here. She would die if she did the lightning. Actually, it's more likely that she'll electrocute Shar and kill him.
And then there goes [Y/N] along with him. Because if a Daemon dies, the person its soul is shared with dies too. [Y/N] could use fire, but the fire could easily go out. Now, all she could do was wait here in the cold rain laying on Shar as a lion with his head beside her.
It was earlier morning when they found her. Some kitchen staff of the Castle of Katolis that found a young nine year old girl with a fox in her lap. The group consisted of three woman, a boy, and a palace guard.
[Y/N] could see them as her astral form was hiding behind a tree. Shar was awake, but he pretended to be asleep.
"It's a girl, Nikki." A girl asked.
Nikki was a blonde in her thirties with green eyes, a small pointed nose like a Who from Whoville, and acne along her chin and the sides of her cheeks. She adorned an  azure blue servant gown.
Nikki had what was known as a stern face that came with a strict and traditional attitude that made her come across as cold. Nikki pursed her lips looking at the sleeping girl.
The evil blonde named Nikki sneered, "She's lucky the wolves or elves didn't get her."
"Well, they could, Nikki! That’s the problem" The girl that spoke earlier said.
"We have something to do. Not rescuing little-. Wilhelm! What are you doing?" Nikki shouted at Wilhelm.
"There's a girl that needs to be saved." Wilhelm said hopping out of their cart and picking up the physical form of [Y/N] [L/N] and placed her on the cart.
"That's against-."
"Your morals? I know. But not mine." Wilhelm said.
[Y/N]'s physical form woke up in a bed in the servant's quarters. She looked around only seeing four walls with a door in one of them, a floor, and a ceiling. The door opened up startling her.
“Oh, good. You’re awake. I’m Zandra! It is very nice to meet you.” it was the girl that addressed Nikki. “What’s your name?”
“[Y/N]. Where’s Shar?” asked [Y/N].
“Shar? Oh, you mean the fox we found with you. He’s currently roaming in the Palace Gardens.” the girl, Zandra, explained. “But come on. Get dressed. You start in the kitchens in five minutes.”
Zandra left the room and [Y/N] got up from the bed she was on. A set of clothes was laid out on a chair. Servant’s clothes. I guess this is what happens when you’re practically exiled from your home.
[Y/N] got dressed and walked out of the room (that was probably Zandra’s bedroom) to see Zandra leaning against the wall.
“Okay, so you’re going to be working in the kitchens for the foreseeable future. I’ll be your roommate until you get your permanent residence.”  Zandra led her to the kitchens where she would be working.
“Good morning, Wilhelm.” Zandra said.
The boy, Wilhelm, turned around to face Zandra and the new girl in the palace. His violet eyes beamed like a child in a candy store. “Hello, Z.”
“I told you not to call me that.” Zandra sneered.
“ Right, right. Anyways, Lord Viren has asked that we bring King Harrow an early snack.” Wilhelm told her.
“That would be perfect practice for [Y/N] here.” Zandra said gesturing towards the said girl with the [H/C] hair and [E/C] eyes.
Wilhelm sent Zandra a look that [Y/N] didn’t understand before he gave the young girl a plate of food and sent her off on her way to King Harrow in his throne room. She heard talking in the throne room still carrying the plate of food to the king.
A man stopped her. He wore intricate robes and had a stern look plastered on his face. The royal sorcerer of Katolis. He looked down at her, but then saw the plate of food. He studied it, and his eyes seemed to change into a different color.
“You may go in.” Lord Viren said to the sall and young girl.  
[Y/N] nodded before walking in. She couldn’t help, but look over at the boy that sat in a corner. A guard with dark hair that had an unusual aura. She suddenly got an uneasy feeling about him before giving the plate of food to King Harrow.
The castle was dark at night. Why was she even up at this ungodly hour? Oh, right. She was going to get information on who the guard was (she had already gotten his name: Decimus). Zadra was asleep and so was Wilhelm.
She had no one. But to be fair she had no one who she could trust with her secret. No one knew that she was a Zudna. She walked in the halls before yelling was heard. Guards yelling and a blur running past with a boy in his arms.
She can either save the boy and reveal herself to the entire castle or let the guards handle it. Yeah, she’s going to save the boy. [Y/N] took off after the man with the boy. Her fingers sparked. And her feet started to generate fire.
The hallway was lit up like there were a thousand lit torches in one area. She could see the man. It was the same boy that gave her the horrid feeling of unease: Decimus. So, she teleported and landed in front of Decimus.
Decimus stopped and [Y/N] saw the face of the king’s son, Prince Ezran. The sparks in her fingers escalated into a ball of electricity, and she shot the lightning at him. The prince was thrown out of his arms, and [Y/N] caught him.
“You’re okay. You’re okay.” she whispered to him.
And the guards arrived with Lord Viren looking at the girl who saved their prince. [Y/N] had no idea that what she had just done would change her life in the palace and kingdom of Katolis.

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