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[Y/N] vs Moonshadow Elf

The Moonshadow Elf ran into. Well, she had no idea what she ran into that tossed her aside. Except that [Y/N] was in front of her. 

“Force field. I put one around me in a cube formation, so that you wouldn’t be able to come through.” [Y/N] told the Moonshadow Elf. 

“Why are you doing this? We’re on the same side! The humans killed the king of the dragons and his only egg! Not to mention they eradicated every single one of your people!” the Moonshadow Elf tried to reason with her. 

“That’s not what happened.” [Y/N] told her. 

“Then, why did the Zudnas become extinct?” she asked. 

“The chief’s daughter. Who else? And they are still around here.” 

“And how would the chief’s daughter do that?” 

“Like this.” [Y/N] sent a bolt of lightning through the barrier at the Moonshadow Elf. 


“I’m sorry I did that. I’m sure your healing capabilities will kick in soon.” the Moonshadow Elf said to her. 

[Y/N]’s stripes and veins kept glowing a dim [F/C] light before slowly leaving as she let out a sigh. Man this was a bad situation to be in. She had just lost against a Moonshadow elf. And it would take some time for her energy to come back for when she would get out of the slump.

“What the hell just happened?” she wondered to herself. “Am I not as powerful a Zudna as I thought? What was I doing here? What was I doing all this time?”

[Y/N] sat on the ground working up to get her energy back when suddenly she felt something. Like something or someone was in danger. And she remembered who she was supposed to be protecting. And she climbed up to her feet and ran down the hall towards where she told the boys to go to. Man, this would have been a horrible day if her best friend and Callum died on her first day of protecting them from the world.

“Callum! Ez…” she trailed off seeing the Dragon egg standing on the pedestal. “Is that the Dragon Prince egg?” 

“Yes. And if you’re not going to help us, then step out of the way.” the moonshadow elf told her. 

“If they’re going, I’m going.” [Y/N] told the Scottish sounding Moonshadow elf.

Verses [Callum x Reader] *Temporary Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now