In de Beninging

127 22 61

Dedicated to -lostheart

For all the encouragement, votes and comments on my crappy stories that are now unpublished and/or deleted.

Yes, I spelt beginning as beninging. No, it's not a typo. Yes, I am not normal, thank you for noticing.

Hello there!
Random stranger reading this book right now.

I know you have homework or something else important to do, so thank you for spending your valuable time on this little potato's rant book.

Now, I am legally required to warn you on what is to come so here we go.

Warning: The following pages of this book may contain: randomness, the word 'weirdessity', unicorn blood, glitter poop, lots of random quotes, abnormal behaviors and words,made up words, more made up words, random infomercials and pop up ads, crazy stories, irrelevant shizzle, deep shizzle, more deep shizzle, unnecessary references to donuts and rainbow vomit.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, we can start this crazy book. If you know you are allergic to any of the things listed above, kindly leave (after voting), I am not responsible for any.....

#We interrupt this program for the following messages.
"Do you hate your life? Do you hate the people in it? Do you want to go from drab to fab in less than a week?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above then 'Be hopeful' is the thing for you"

"Whenever you complain about your life to an adult, they usually say that you should be hopeful. Now that hopefulness comes in an easy to use pocket sized cream.

Be hopeful is the miracle cream that you need to turn your life around but don't take it from me, take it from these satisfied customers"

*Random girl walks in*

"My life used to absolutely suck before. My boyfriend Brad dumped me and I had no friends, that is, until I started using Be Hopeful. After applying it to my fingertips everyday for a week, I started seeing speedy results. Brad proposed to me yesterday and obviously I said yes even though he was using me and broke my heart to a million pieces. I became the most popular girl at school overnight and, I became a straight A student after being held back 7 times"

Wow isn't that amazing folks? And the same thing could happen to you and more. It comes in an easy to use squeeze bottle in a number of sizes. Get your Be Hopeful today for only 19.99

*Be Hopeful may or may not make your life better*
*Side effects may include: abnormal swelling, weird cravings, compulsions to say "Diamonds, rubies, lift me tubies", explosive diarrhea, numerous vitamin deficiencies, death or just a really long nap, allergies to sushi, pimples in weird places, silky smooth facial hair and rainbow poop*

Sorry about that guys.

Just so you know I'm not sponsored by them......

Do I need to introduce myself or sumn?

You want to kidnap me?

No, I'm not paranoid..... Ish


Anyways, here are some basic things you should know since you decided to read this display of joblessness.

♡If there is thing you would like to see me rant about, kindly walk into my deserted pms. You will be greeted with a friendly smile and a complimentary cup of lime juice.

♡Bribery is not accepted (unless its in donuts......)

♡Nyon nyon nyon nyon nyon nyon nyon nyon nyon nyon.

Well, I guess that's it.
Till the next useless rant (that's if you decide to come back and hear my useless opinion)

*le consumer du donuts~♥~

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