Talent hunt

53 13 18

I honestly didn't know what exactly to write about.

I wanted to use the weekend to work on my art and crappy drawing skills.

I managed to do one sketch, but what was supposed to be a deep and meaningful piece has turned into random scribbles on a piece of paper.

Sometimes I look at my work and I look at other people's work and I just feel like a talentless lump of donut addiction and short brown hair.

I can't sing.
I look like a possessed headless chicken when I dance.
I used to think I could draw but now I've discovered I was just deceiving myself.
I have suckish leadership skills.

Basically, I'm not useful for anything.

And the worst part is that I'm not even pretty or smart.

Unless you find a shapeless teenager with hard brittle dull brown hair that's been altered by chemicals to become bone straight as attractive.

And the annoying thing is that no matter how hard I try to 'find myself', all I end up 'finding' is nothing because there is nothing there.

I'm really getting sick and tired of seeing other people doing amazing things and thinking "Wow, I really am gonna be a potato forever"

It's like whatever try to do ends up going wrong.

Or maybe I'm just being an over dramatic hormonal teenager, who knows?

I'm really just trying to discover what exactly it is I do not completely suck at because university is already knocking at the door and I don't have any refreshments for it so I have to stick to offering it Butter Mint.

And it doesn't help when friends are saying stuff like:

"Oh my gosh Shortie you're so cute" (very big lie)

"Have you considered modelling?"

"Shebi you can draw is that one not talent"

"Then just sell akara and bread on the road if you don't know what to do"(Uddonmeanit)

"If you can draw anything better than a stick man or a triangle fish then you can draw"

"Why don't you join choir?"(with my cat and dog voice?)

"What of the cultural whatever?"

"Everyone has a talent Kayla" (this statement is actually very wrong but....)

"You sound like an author" ( *insert scoff* I laugh in Spanish)

This chapter's gonna be short today guys cause seriously, I don't know what to say about this.

I can talk on and on and on about random shizzle but when it comes to important stuff and my future or whatever, I'm basically clueless.

Sorry for the short chapter, please accept my apology donuts that are currently digesting in my stomach.

See you when I get less confused.
*le consumer du donuts*

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