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Alexei brought me downstairs and into the formal dining room where I spotted Edric and his younger brother, Matis. Both tossed their attention my way as I entered and Alexei disappeared.

Matis was much closer in age to me than Edric, but was still a good five years older than me. Had I not known better, I would have thought they were twins. It was uncanny how similar they looked. Same hair and eye color; same build, but Matis held a much more carefree composure than Edric. My guess was there wasn't any pressure on him to rule. He was currently in line after Edric, but if we had children succession would pass to them. The likelihood of Matis having to rule was slim.

"This must be Amina," Matis greeted warmly.

It was a relief that someone was nice to me. Everyone else had been stiff and all business.

"Yes," I said with a small smile. "It's nice to meet you, Your Highness."

"Matis," he said. "I am glad Edric finally picked someone to marry."

I nodded, unsure of how to answer him. Me too? Glad I wasn't thrown to the streets? My position wasn't secure until after the ceremony. I had to walk on eggshells until then.

"Is your bedroom acceptable?" Edric asked.

I was caught off guard. "Of course it is."

Had others before me complained? I couldn't see how. Everything in the palace was amazing. Even if it wasn't, would someone actually complain to the royals about it? I knew I wouldn't.

"Good. Let's introduce you to my parents," he prompted.

He held a hand out, motioning me forward. I figured my best bet was to follow and mimic. I noticed Dominic and Alexei off to the side. Both men watched my interaction with Edric. I wondered what would happen if Edric suddenly went off the rails and attacked me. Would they jump in to rescue me or would they be loyal to Edric? I was only a few hours into my lifetime of royalty and I was already harping on who would attack me and when.

We approached an older couple, clearly regal. They held such an air of superiority and confidence it was overwhelming. It was no wonder they were king and queen. Just looking at Edric's mother, I knew there was no way I could ever be like her. I wasn't raised to be that confident. Edric was right; I was just a farmer's daughter. I didn't even know where to begin acting like a royal.

"Amina," Queen Catherine greeted. "Thank you for joining us."

Not that I had much of a choice. "Thank you for having me, Your Majesty."

"Edric told us you have accepted the proposal. We are so happy to have you join our family."

I was surprised by how welcoming they were. I expected cold and distant like Edric, but they all seemed nice and caring.

I nodded, unsure of how to answer her. I was fulfilling my duty. It was never something I wanted though it did benefit me greatly. I couldn't deny the ugly situation they plucked me out of. My freedom from Rick still hadn't fully set in.

"Tell us about yourself, Amina," King Ivan prompted.

"Um, well, I grew up in California."

"Where at in California?" He asked.

"Firebaugh. It's a little town outside of Fresno."

"Your father was a grape farmer, if I'm not mistaken?"

I nodded. "He was. He grew and sold to most of the wineries in our area."

"Some of my favorite wineries are based in the Central Valley. I'm sure your father had something to do with the excellent finished products."

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