∽Chapter 7∽

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  • Dedicated to My Lovely Harmonies

*Brandon's Point View*

I can't stay here with him. I simply refuse to be here with a hypocritical asshole. I storm up to the guest room and enter, slamming the door behind me. I hate that mom has to push him to apologize. He is a grown ass man. He doesn't need someone to butter him up into apologizing for being an anus. I walk towards the dresser and begin tossing everything out of the drawer. I am so peeved. He really pushed it. I slam the drawer and move to the next one. I continue doing this until I tripped over my suitcase and fell back on the bed. I cover my face and bawl. I don't know what to do anymore. Just when thing's are good, life bites the little bit of happiness in the ass. I continue bawling until there's a knock on the door. "Go away!", I croaked. There was a long silence before the door cracked open. I sit up and wait for the Jackson to reveal themselves. "Brandon... ", The voice cranked, revealing himself as the one and only asshole. I roll my eye's and stand up, readying myself for another round of steam. He slowly walks up to me. "Brandon I...", He pauses. I open my mouth, but he prevents any word's from coming out because he gently pulls me into a hug. I fight him but he squeezes more. "I love you so much Brandon... So Much I just want to protect you...There are bad people out there... very bad...", He choked, rocking us slowly. I continued to try to push him away, but to no avail. I sigh. "I don't hate who you are...I never did... I was afraid of raising you the wrong way... I myself, went through the same thing with my father... I try so hard to not be like him... But I am him... And I'm  sorry ", He continued, stroking my hair. Hearing him say that broke my heart a bit. He is trying. He always has been. I can't hate him for that. I inhale and hug his waist. "Thank-you... ", I exhaled, feeling a tear involuntarily cascade down my cheek. He snuffles and squeezes me tighter repeating how much he loves me. This is what I needed. Reassurance and proof that I was wrong about my dad.

*Marilyn's Point Of View*

Michael has been upstairs with Brandon a little over an hour now. I already put Jordyn down for the night and explained to Jasmine and Dylan that thing's are going to be fine. They of course asked questions I knew no answer to. But I answered what I could. I just walked out of Jasmine's room. She is worried about her big brother. I think it's cute she cares so much about him. I tip-toe towards the guest bedroom, It's quiet. Maybe too quiet. Opening the door slowly, I Michael and Brandon chuckling about something on Brandon's phone. I sigh happily and enter quietly. "Brandon... If your mom found out you are showing me this... she'd kill me", Michael joked, nudging Brandon. "Showing you what? ", I asked, walking towards Michael. Brandon and Michael exchange glances before smiling at me innocently. "Oh nothing babygirl just some silly video.", Michael assured, standing up front the bed, where they were sitting. I fold my arm's over my chest. "A silly video hmm?", Michael nods. "Come on babygirl let's turn in for tonight... ", Michael said walking up to me. I sigh. "You're going to tell me about that video. ", I said as we walked out into the hallway. Michael chuckles. "You don't want to know... ", He said as we approached our room. "Why wouldn't I? Michael tell me...please ", I begged as we entered our bedroom. "Babygirl if I tell you...You can't freak...", He said removing his v-neck. I plop on the and wait for him to continue. Michael turns to me. "Well... Brandon was showing me...This video...With...Gosh this is embarrassing... ", He said pinching the bridge of his nose. "Were you two watching porn?!", I exclaimed, standing up from the bed. Michael sighs. "I told you would freak... Look he was showing me porn fails... It was actually funny", I roll my eyes. "I hope you didn't get any idea's... ", I huffed, replacing my sundress with a night gown. Michael bites his bottom lip and smirks. "I might have...", He teased, removing his jeans. When he is free of his jeans, he trades them for Pajama pants. "Michael... I just put the baby to sleep and I'm tired.", I said as he slowly climbed into the bed. Michael continues climbing towards me slowly. "Remember that night we made Jordyn?.. ", He asked, Hovering over me. I nod. "Yes I do why?", "Well...Tomorrow... Let's have a date, you and me. No kid's. No Work. No distractions, Just mama and papa.. ", He said stealing a kiss. I giggle. "Papa... that is impossible, Brandon just returned home and Jordyn needs to be attended to", I said, removing a curl from his face. "Papa's got this...", Michael whispered, leaning into my ear. "Trust that I can make thing's happen...", He added, nibbling at my ear. I giggle pushing him off me. "I'm done with you..", I joked. Michael pretends to be hurt. "That's not nice, I'll have to punish you for that.", He winked at me. I roll my eyes. "Go to sleep you pervert ", I joked, switching the lamp off. Michael chuckles. "Only for you mama...Now come here", He said, feeling for me. I sigh and scoot close to him. "I'm proud of you papa ", I whispered, laying on his chest. "Thank-you... I don't know What I would do without you. ", He said, planting a kiss on my forehead. "Awe...I don't know either ", I teased. "Oh wow cocky much?", He asked, yawning a little. "Just go time sleep papa ", He squeezes me a little tighter in response. I sigh happily and close my eyes. Finally thing's are in some type of order...

To Be Continued...

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