∽Chapter 58∽

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*Michael's Point Of View*

"Hey Kadence, how are you buddy?" I ask, scoopin the growing toddler up. He giggles, showing me his wide gap between his two front teeth. I chuckle, he reminds me so much of Brandon when he was younger. "Daddy, I beat up Mister T on the game! I finally beat him!" He exclaims, squirming from arms. I watch him as he jogs over to his gaming system. I came over for my weekly visit. Evelyn has agreed to allow me to have weekly visits even though i have the twins for the weekend. I thouht it was a nice compromise, the only thing is with the daily visits i would have to sneak off. It's not because Marilyn I don't know, it's because I know it stresses her. I don't need to have my pregnant wife at home stressing over a minor visit, so most of the time I can slip away easily. I just don't want any drama, nor do i want to abandon the twins. They are just as important as any of my children i have with Marilyn.

"Daddy! See, I told you I beat him"  Kadence exclaims, jumping up and down as he hands me his gaming counsel. I smile widely, glancing at the dead animated character on the screen. "I see. Good job. Just don't go around beating up people in real life," I playfully scold. He giggles in response. I kneel down on one know, facing him."I'm serious. What is my real on hands?" He scrunches up his face in thouht. "To... To keep my hands to myself and everyone else will be happy?" I raise my palm to his for a high five. "That's right. If you hit someone, the hand monster will get'cha!" I tease, gently ticklin at his stomach. He squeals in delight, trying to escape my arm's. I finally release him, standing to my feet. "I'm going to beat the boss level next daddy! Just watch!" He bursts, Jumpinig up and down. I chuckle. "Well have at little one" with one last toothy smile, he sprints off.

"He's really excited about that game huh?" I ask Evelyn enters, picking up a few barbie dolls and toy trucks from the livin room floor. She looks back towards Kadence direction in the dining room. "Yeah, he does," She simply replies, resuming her cleaning.

I have noticed since our argument, Evelyn has simply given up on communication. I understand, pooring your heart out only to be rejected, but I wished she understand the difference in the circumstance. She is the woman I broke my vows for. She's the woman i guiltily laid with while my wife laid in our bed crying because of our lost child. She's the woman I became selfish in my marriage for. I could never turn around and love her.

"You don't have to stay so lon today. Katelyn will be next door for awhile and Kadence will be busy with that game for the rest of the evening" She informs me, tossing the last of the toys into a bin. "I know i don't have to, I just... I don't know," I reply, scratching the back of my neck. She's right. I have no point of being here at the moment. 'I just haven't found an excuse on why i'm late for dinner today" I admit, plopping onto her couch. She sighs, sitting beside me, as well as leaving a spot between us. Who knew I could sit next to the very woman I cheated on my wife with, with no resentment or anger. I guess it's all apart of lettin by Gon's be by Gon's.

"Why do you create problems for yourself?" She asks, tearing my thoughts. I lift an questioning eyebrow. "Create problems for myself?"-"Yes. Sneaking over here when you know she will be wandering where you were, then you'll have to make up a dumb ass lie. That's very stupid" Evelyn explains. I stare at her silently for a moment. "I know what I'm doing, trying to demenish any future probabilities of problems," I retort, breaking my silence. She shakes her head. "Well this is a dumb ass way of doing that babes. How will this look to her? Michael with the mistress of his twins?" She anylyzes.

I sigh, realizing the truth in her statement. "First, don't call me babes. Second, her name is Marilyn. Third, how do you suggest i fix this? I mean with Marilyn being pregnant its-"-"Wait, the bi-Marilyn is pregnant? Wow. What a coencedence..." Evelyn sarcastically praises. I glare at her. I hate when she disrespects Marilyn, especially in my face. 

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